Chapter 55

The dungeon cell door opened and Edda didn't even turn from her position on the chair. She wasn't sure if it was time for the servants in grey silk to scuttle in with food and water or a new yellow dress to replace her current one. Her eyes stayed fixed on the wall ahead of her, unbothered by all that was happening around her. She'd been dreading the Nula Anyl and had taken refuge in the time offered her in the dungeons before she met her fate, but she'd grown terribly bored with the feeling of despair clutching at her insides. She felt helpless and found herself wishing for a quick end to it all.


Boots sounded on her dungeon cell floor, metal boots that caught her attention for the steps of the servants and the guards in black leather rarely made a sound. Edda turned her head to find Dahli, dressed in red armor, stride into the cell and take the chair opposite her. Edda cocked an eyebrow as behind the Princess was a young man dragged between four guards in black leather with seven more guards behind them. They dropped the man onto the floor beside the table and Edda took note of his blue tipped fingers and knuckles that were caked in blood. His forehead was also stained red with dried blood. By the Gods! What have they done to this Kolotian? She wondered.


"None of that blood is his," Dahli said. Edda turned her attention to meet the grey eyes of the Princess. "We have found a valid second for the Nula Anyl."


Edda turned her eyes back to the young man on the floor. He stirred and coughed as he came to. He was young, too young that his hands hadn't even been harvested yet. "What has he done to deserve this?" Edda asked. She pondered whether in their desperation to find a second they'd gone and captured a random Kolotian. But the blood upon him that supposedly wasn't his together with the numerous guards that had accompanied him made her wary of him. What has he done to them?


"He has done the same as you," Dahli responded. "You and your deceased companion took down several City guards as you tried to escape capture. He," She titled her head in the direction of the Kolotian whose eyes fluttered open, causing the guards in the cell to grow vigilant, their attention on the boy. "He has attacked a Royal and killed an Inquisitor. He has proven himself a warrior and a worthy sacrifice before Meena."


The Kolotian sat up and Dahli immediately stood. She started backing away from the dungeon cell with her eyes never leaving the Kolotian who was busy running his hands over his throat. "Prepare yourself Remu woman. The Nula Anyl is in less than two days."


"You're going to leave me here alone with him?" Edda asked, growing tense at Dahli's and her guards' reaction toward the Kolotian. They treated him like he was a viper who could kill with a single bite.


Dahli didn't face away from the Kolotian as she backed away towards the cell door. The Kolotian just blinked and looked around the cell, seemingly unbothered with what went on around him. "He will not harm you for he knows the cost of his sacrifice and cannot risk an attack on the Talisi women." Dahli said. At her words the Kolotian turned to look at her, his violet eyes beheld her as if for the first time.


"I've never quite been near Binorians much but I'll have to admit, you are one hot arse woman!" The Kolotian said with his eyes on Dahli. Edda gawked at him, Dahli paused in her retreating steps and the guards all around her exchanged questioning glances.


"What?" Dahli asked. Her eyes became slits as rage took over her. She was not used to being addressed in such a blatant manner. She squinted at the Kolotian as if his words had blurred him.


"I know, I know," the Kolotian started. "We don't know each other and there's another girl who holds my heart but that doesn't quite prevent me from acknowledging beauty, right?" The Kolotian gasped and brought his hands to his mouth. "Is it considered cheating by calling you hot?" He lowered them. "It can't be. I'm not even in a relationship."


Dahli blinked thrice in quick succession. "You are indeed insane as father claims. Nonetheless, you have proven yourself a valid candidate for the Nula Anyl. Your sacrifice will please the Goddess."


"I'm a virgin you know." The Kolotian said.


"What?" Dahli asked once more. Edda observed the Kolotian. Gods! They've brought an incoherent fool! A mad man! There's no way we can survive the Nula Anyl.


"Shocking, right?" He continued, unfazed by the reactions of all those around him "Never even kissed a girl, never held one. Gods! With time I might find myself pleasuring myself to sheep, like Mairek." He leaned back and laughed at his monologue. The guards visibly relaxed as each of them came to the conclusion that the boy was a few crumbs short of a loaf of bread.


"You being a virgin matters not, Ishar," Dahli said while composing herself, her tone took on a soft melody as if addressing a toddler prone to outbursts. Edda took note of the Kolotian's name. "Your sacrifice will take you before the Goddess, she will claim you for herself and take you to Tabrimas. A much fitting fate than what you'd have gotten elsewhere for your crimes."


Ishar stood up slowly and placed his hand on the table for support. He wobbled in place as if fighting off a dizzy spell then straightened and faced the Princess. "Will you kiss me?" He asked.


"What?" Dahli asked, her mouth hang open in shock.


"You sound like a stuttering bigot," Ishar said. "Repeating the same word and preaching about a Goddess who has destroyed the lives of the people who don't belong to your Kingdom. You speak of the Nula Anyl being a great honour, then why don't you participate in it? Why don't Binorians participate in it? All I'm asking for is a kiss before I meet my death in your stupid ritual Godsdammit!"


"We already did participate in it, Selarch Vigon proved that the Goddess favors us." Dahli replied.


"I bet Selarch had kissed a girl though." Ishar responded. Edda was fascinated with the way he spoke lucid facts one moment then resorted to idiotic banter in the next. Did he not know the Princess Dahli? Did he assume she was of the same station as him to be addressed so? Several guards snickered at his remark, finding humor in his idiocy.


Dahli took a step toward Ishar but not close enough to put her into any contact with him. "The moon will wither and crush upon the Rankf sea before I set my lips to yours you scum of the realm! The sun will blink out with its fires fading to embers and the realm will be blanketed in darkness before my body knows your touch! You Yendw begotten fool. I would rather die than kiss a mbengo." And with that she turned around and vacated the cell with her retinue following close behind her.


The cell door locked and the Kolotian remained standing while staring at the place the Binorian Princess had once stood. "Damn, I think she likes me." He said.


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