Chapter 59

Masutap looked at the starlit night from atop the Palace's Southern Wing. She stood naked with her hand resting on the white stone that framed the top of the roof and had iron spikes protruding along its entire length. The cold breeze of the night touched upon her bare skin, drying the sweat that had accumulated from the things she'd done with the young man who lay naked and tied with rope on their black leather clothes upon the roof's floor.


"Get down, you might get seen." Said the Royal Black Guard of Rank Thirty Fou, a handsome young man with clear blue eyes and a strong chin. To be at his Rank at his age of twenty years wasn't something to be taken lightly. In twice that many years the lad might find himself among the top Five Ranks and with his ambitious nature he may even go on to carry the mantle of Rank one. He was a beast at combat who steadily rose among the Black Guard Ranks. Masutap doubted she could face him in a fight, she didn't have to though, for she'd already tamed him.


"You address me so?" Masutap asked.


 The man gasped. "Forgive me mistress, do as you please mistress." Rank Thirty Four said.


Masutap knew where every Black Guard was positioned each night. Tonight, Rank Six stood on the balcony leading to Desan's sleeping chamber that was on the floor beneath where she stood to the east of the South Wing. Rank Twelve stood guard at Dahli's balcony that was to the west of the Southern Wing and a floor below Desan's sleeping chamber. The ground floor held Leba's sleeping quarters, he had no balcony.


Tonight, Rank Thirty Four stood guard on the roof of the South Wing by himself. It hadn't been hard to tame him, like most men he fell victim to the demands of the body. Her superior Rank had enabled her to approach him in secret upon the roof of the South wing, she'd ordered him to take out his cock and she'd proceeded to go down on her knees to pleasure him. The thought of someone who outranked him taking sexual interest in him together with Masutap's accurate portrayal of a dominatrix put him under her spell.


"Mistress my cock is stiff once more." Rank Thirty Four said.


Masutap's attention remained on the stars. "Go on your knees and start panting like a dog." She said and heard shuffling behind her as the Black Guard obeyed. She'd approached him each night he was on guard on the roof of the South wing with ropes, she'd tie him naked and proceed to do with him as she pleased, feeding his desires, making him crave the nights he was to stand guard on the roof.


Masutap turned to face him, he knelt on their clothes with his short sword and long sword lying to the side of their clothes. He panted like a dog, his tongue sticking out of his mouth with his hungry eyes on her. "Close your eyes." She commanded. Rank Thirty Four quickly obeyed. Masutap lowered her eyes, sure enough his stiff cock pointed at her, assuring her of his need.


Masutap walked towards him and knelt before him, she could feel his breath quicken as he sensed her close. She reached out and placed her hand on his member, circling it and running her hand over the length of his shaft. He moaned. "No sound out of you." She commanded as she stroked him, he went silent but his panting became louder. Masutap reached out with her other hand and took the short sword. She aimed to the side of his neck, tilting the hilt of the blade up and removed her other hand off his cock.


She put both hands on the hilt of the blade and put her body behind the plunge. The blade sunk into his neck at an angle that enabled it to travel to his lung. His eyes widened and Masutap met them, she saw the shock, the confusion, the fear. She let go of the blade and he fell to the side with his hands tied behind his back. He kicked his tied legs several times as blood gushed out of him. He let out a choking breath and went still, his wide eyes sightless.


Masutap pulled away her clothes before blood stained them, she put them on and started to undo the ropes tying the once Rank Thirty Four. Tonight was the perfect time to carry out her plan, she'd been waiting for so long, ever since she was a child, ever since she'd learnt who her father was from her mother's dying words. She didn't want his affection, he'd abandoned her simply because her gender didn't deem her worthy of his acknowledgement. He'd even tried to have her and her mother killed when she was a child. It had taken a lot to come back but she was here, she was ready. She drew the blade out of the dead guard.


Masutap tied one end of the rope around her hand. She walked over to one of the spikes lined to the east of the wall and tied the other end of the rope to it. She tested the rope and found it sturdy enough. Masutap climbed over the spikes and lowered herself over the South Wing's outer wall, slowly leaning over the edge of the wall to observe the Eastern balcony where she knew Rank six stood guard.


Sure enough, she could see Rank six's head as he stood at attention with his sword tucked in the scabbard on his left. He was left handed, tall and strong. Judging from his stance and the way he slightly leaned to the front, Rank Six was certainly alert but not at his fullest. The leather black armor doesn't fully cover the neck. Masutap thought as she angled herself to hover behind and above Rank Six's right side which was his weakest.


She held to the wall's edge with her left hand that also had a rope tied to it. She held the short sword in her right hand and had both legs planted on the wall. Masutap bent her knees, her eyes focused on Rank Six. She straightened her legs and flung herself off the wall. She made no sound as she plummeted towards the solitary Black Guard on the roof. She liked the guy, he always saved her a seat at the dining hall, she hoped he'd have a seat set for him in Tabrimas.


Masutap landed on Rank six while simultaneously thrusting with the blade belonging to Rank Thirty Four. She would have failed if it wasn't for the fact that Rank Six knew her. Rank Six was a capable fighter and as she descended towards him his awareness had alerted him to a presence but not fast enough. Rank six turned to meet her immediately her weight plunged into him and drove them both to the ground. In that split second when recognition had hit Rank Six had hesitated and given her the window she'd needed to slice open his throat and clump his mouth shut with her hand.


He died with his eyes on her, confusion and shock evident in them. Masutap held him down on the floor of the balcony, stifling any sound from his mouth as he bled out. She'd pinned his hands beneath her body after descending on him and her blade remained poised next to the gaping wound on his neck as his body went limp. Masutap stood over Rank Six's corpse and untied the rope on her left hand. She opened the door to the balcony and walked into Desan's sleeping chamber.


Rank Eight and Rank nine stood guard outside Desan's closed bedroom door. The Prince always hated being watched as he slept, claiming that he was more than capable of handling any threat that dared meet him in the confines of his bed chamber. It was obviously a ploy by him to bring girls to entertain him in his chambers but The Royal Black Guard had agreed that Desan, the fearless Lavifan, could certainly handle himself. The Royal Black Guard had opted to stand guard outside the Prince's door and at his balcony alone as he slept, a laxity his siblings did not have as guards always stood at their beds during the night.


Nobody ever stood guard directly before the Lavifan as he slept. Masutap had been surprised to discover that even during his bedridden state the Royal Black Guard had maintained the routine as a show of faith in the Prince's capabilities and respect for his status mingled with hope for his future well-being. They took pride in Desan and how he carried himself as a force of nature, he was after all captain of the Seventh Legion and they wished to maintain that image of him despite his state.


Desan lay beneath thin white silk beddings that wouldn't put any strain on his bandaged body. His eyes were swollen shut and purple bruises changed the whole pigmentation of his face. Masutap stepped gently on the thick carpeting of his large chamber, careful not to make a sound that might alert the guards at the door. The dim light from the open balcony enabled her to see the Prince's unconscious form.


She came to stand next to his bed. "Brother," Masutap whispered and lifted the Prince's chin with her left hand, exposing his neck. She tilted the blade in her right hand at an angle to the left of his neck and plunged the blade in and out of Desan's flesh in one swift motion. Blood poured out of Desan's neck and stained the silk beddings a crimson red as his breathing slowly stilled. Masutap looked at her half brother's lifeless mangled face for a moment, she dipped a finger in his blood and wrote on the white wall behind his bed, 'RTK'.


Masutap left the blade on Desan's bed, turned around and made silent steps towards the balcony. At the balcony she gripped the rope and started an ascent towards the roof of the South wing. The opportunity had availed itself as if from the Gods themselves, she couldn't help but smile. One down, two to go. She thought as she scaled the wall. Patience was a virtue she would forever thank her mother for.


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