The Other Life Selection Program

"I... I don't understand," Alice said, her voice trembling. "Other Life Selection Program? What is all this?"

The voice spoke again, its tone gentle and soothing.

"You, Alice, have been selected for a second chance. A chance to live a life far more fulfilling than the one you left behind."

"Oh, but... My life... wasn't that bad," she mumbled, more to herself than to the disembodied voice. "I mean, sure, it was a little lonely sometimes, and maybe I didn't have as many friends as I would have liked, but..."

"Alice," the voice interrupted, its tone firm but not unkind. "You have been given an incredible opportunity. A chance to start anew, to shape your destiny in ways you never could have imagined. Do you not want to take it?" 

Alice perked up at that. 

"What... what do you mean?"

"I will grant you three wishes," the voice said, and Alice could have sworn she heard a smile in its words. "Three wishes pertaining to your new life. Think carefully, Alice. What kind of life do you want to lead?"

Alice's mind raced, a thousand possibilities flashing through her thoughts.

[Three wishes, huh? Well, if this is some sort of real-life anime thing, then, I know what to wish for.] 

She had watched enough of those to know the drill. The protagonist, usually some kind of loser (like her), gets transported to a fantasy world and is granted incredible powers or abilities. Cheat skills, they called them.

"I wish for cheat skills!" Alice blurted out. "Like, super strength, and magic powers, a-and maybe a harem of beautiful girls who all fall in love with me, and..."

"Hold on, hold on, hold on," the voice cut her off, a hint of amusement in its tone. "That's not how this works. Your wishes must pertain to the kind of life you want to lead, not the abilities you possess."

Alice deflated, her excitement fizzling out as quickly as it had come.

"What? I can't ask for cheat abilities?" 

"Of course, not. It would be unfair to the world you're being sent to. Besides," the voice added, "having this life's knowledge is a 'cheat' all in itself." 

[I guess... But, what's the point of getting reincarnated if you don't get to be overpowered as hell?]

But as she mulled over the voice's words, a different kind of excitement began to take hold.

If this was a chance to start over, to build a life she could be proud of... 

[Okay, Alice,] she thought to herself, taking a deep breath. [Let's think about this. What do you really want out of life? What would make you happy?]

Images flashed through her mind. Laughing with friends, sharing stories over drinks. Holding hands with a beautiful girl, their hearts beating in sync. 

There was a lot she hadn't done in her previous life. A lot she wished she had.

But, above all else, she just wanted this new life to mean something. 

That had been the worst part of her previous one. Waking up, working, going to sleep. Waking up, working, going to sleep. The same process, day after day, for several years. 

She hated it. 

[Anything but that,] she thought. [ANYTHING but that.] 

"And, you can have it," the voice told her. "Be as selfish with these wishes as you want. Though, keep in mind, all I can do is make your wishes possible. I will be up to you to fulfill them. How does your world's saying go? I can open the door for you, but it will be up to you to walk through it." 

Alice nodded. 

And so, some wishes came to her mind. Wishes that tugged at her heart. 

"I wish..." Alice began, her voice growing stronger with each word. "I wish for a family that will embrace me, no matter what. A family that will love and support me, even when I mess up or don't meet their expectations."

She paused, taking a deep breath.

"I also wish for the potential to be an important person. Someone who can make a real difference in the world, you know? I don't want to just be another cog in the machine."

Alice hesitated for a moment, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"And lastly, I... I wish to meet many, many women who might fall for me."


There was a beat of silence, and then Alice rushed to explain herself.

"I-I know it sounds kind of shallow, but... I never found love in my past life. I don't want to make the same mistake twice. I want to find as much love as possible in this new world, even if it means being a... a... a bit..." 

The voice chuckled softly, a sound like tinkling bells.

"There is no shame in seeking love, Alice. It is a fundamental human need, and one that far too many people are denied. Your wishes are granted."

Alice let out a sigh of relief. 


"Thank you," she whispered, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. "Thank you so much."

"Your new life has been determined," the voice said, its tone growing more distant. "Farewell, Alice. May you find the happiness and fulfillment you seek."