Amateur Businesswoman Melisa Blackflame

Melisa set out on her mission, holding a bag with four pre-charged runes and a heart full of determination.

She went from door to door, knocking on each one with a confident grin.

"Hello, neighbor!" she chirped when the first door opened. "I was wondering if you might have any spent runes lying around?"

The nim woman at the door blinked, confusion written across her purple face.

"Spent runes? Why would I have anything like that?"

Melisa shrugged, undeterred.

"Oh, you know, just thought I'd ask! But hey, if you ever do come across any, I'm offering a special rune recharging service. For a small price, of course."

She held up one of her pre-charged Illuminate runes, letting it glow enticingly.

"I've also got these babies for sale, if you're in need of a little magical light in your life!"

The woman stared at the rune, then back at Melisa, clearly bewildered.

"Uh... thanks, kid, but I think I'm good. Maybe try next door?"


Melisa moved on to the next house, and the next, and the next. Most of her neighbors gave her similar responses. A confused look, a polite decline, and a suggestion to try elsewhere.

But Melisa wasn't about to give up. She knew her idea was brilliant, and she was determined to make it work.

Finally, after what felt like hours of knocking, she struck gold.

"Spent runes, you say?" the elderly nim man said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "You know, I think I might have a couple of those gathering dust in the back room."

Melisa's heart leaped, but she kept her cool, giving the man a nonchalant nod.

"Well, today's your lucky day, sir! For the low, low price of just about 10 suns per rune, I can have those runes recharged and ready to go in no time!"

The man raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Is that so? And how exactly do you plan to do that, little miss?"

Melisa grinned, leaning in conspiratorially.

"Trade secret, I'm afraid. But let's just say I've got a special technique that's going to revolutionize the way nim use magic. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!"

The man chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.

"Alright, kid, you've got me curious. Bring those runes back charged, and I'll give you your suns."

Melisa pumped her fist in victory, already mentally calculating her profits.

[Okay, that's one down! Just need to find a few more customers, and I'll have that 100 suns in no time!]

She turned back to the man, giving him her most charming smile.

"You won't regret this, sir! I'll be back with your runes before you know it."

And with that, she was off, skipping down the street in search of her next client.

Of course, there was still the small matter of actually recharging the runes. But Melisa had a plan for that too.

[I just need to collect some more... "affectionate donations" from the non-nim population and we'll be good to go.] 



Margaret sat with Lily, sipping tea and trying to keep her worries at bay. But as the conversation lulled, she couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh.

"I just don't know what we're going to do, Lily," she confessed. "The debt, the deadline... It feels like we're drowning, and there's no lifeline in sight."

Lily reached out, patting Margaret's hand comfortingly.

"I wish I could help, Maggie. You know I'd give you the money if I had it. But times are tough for all of us right now."

Margaret nodded, knowing all too well the struggles that plagued their village.

"I know, Lily. I wouldn't ask that of you anyway. We'll... we'll figure something out. We have to."

Lily hesitated, then leaned in slightly, her voice lowering.

"And what about Melisa? I mean, just a week ago she was on death's door. And now... well, she seems like a whole different girl."

Margaret's brow furrowed, a mix of concern and confusion playing across her face.

"I know. It's... it's strange. Amnesia aside, ever since she woke up, she's been so full of energy, so curious about everything. And the questions she asks... It's like she's grown up overnight."

Lily opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off as the girl herself walked up to them. 

"Mom! Lily! I need some more help!" 

Margaret blinked, taken aback by her daughter's sudden entrance.

"Melisa? What on earth have you been up to? And what's in that bag?"

Melisa held up the bag triumphantly, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"These, my dear mother, are the key to solving all our problems! Behold, a bag full of spent runes, courtesy of our lovely neighbors!"

Margaret and Lily exchanged a bewildered glance.

"Spent runes? Melisa, what are you talking about?"

But Melisa was already turning to Lily, holding out her arms expectantly.

"Lily, I'm going to need some more of your special kisses. For the runes, of course. Pucker up!"

Lily laughed, charmed as always by Melisa's antics.

"Well, how can I say no to that face?"

She scooped Melisa up, sitting her on her lap and planting a series of loud, dramatic kisses on her cheeks and forehead.

Margaret watched, her confusion only growing.

"Melisa, sweetheart, what is going on? What do kisses have to do with runes and our debt?"

Melisa hopped off Lily's lap, digging into her bag and pulling out a small, nondescript rock. 

"Watch and learn, Mom. You're about to witness something special!"

With a flourish, she held up the rock, revealing an intricately carved rune on its surface.

She placed her hand over the rune, closed her eyes... and the rock lit up. 

Then, she said:

"Illumina, car ei."

And, the room suddenly filled with a bright, steady light.

Margaret and Lily gasped, their eyes wide with shock.

It wasn't that she'd cast magic using a rune that shocked them. It was...

"How did you charge that rune?" Lily asked. 

Melisa grinned, the rune glowing merrily in her hand.

"I figured something out." She shrugged. "I can't say too much about it, because then all of our dear neighbors will start doing it, but, trust me, this is how we're going to get out of our trouble! We'll have that 100 suns in no time!" 

She turned. 

"Be right back!" And, just like that, she sprinted off again. 

Margaret and Lily both looked at one another. 

[I...] Margaret smiled. [I feel like I just witnessed something special.] 



Melisa set to work, her tongue poking out in concentration as she carefully recharged each rune with the Essence she had accumulated from Lily's kisses.

[Okay, that's one... two... three... Wow, Mrs. Jameson had a lot of these things! Guess she's been holding out on the magical lighting.]

One by one, the runes began to glow, their soft light filling Melisa's room with a warm, enchanting ambiance.

[Alright, that should do it! Time to make some deliveries and collect my well-earned suns!]

She gathered up the recharged runes, stuffing them into her bag with a satisfied grin.

[Eighty suns, here I come!]

Melisa set off, retracing her steps from earlier in the day. At each house, she presented the recharged runes with a flourish, basking in the surprised and delighted reactions of her neighbors.

"Here you go, Mrs. Jameson! Four runes, all ready to light up your life!"

"Mr. Henrickson, your Illuminates are primed and ready for action!"

"One freshly charged rune for you, Ms. Thompson! Enjoy the magical ambiance!"

And with each delivery, Melisa's coin purse grew heavier, the satisfying clink of suns music to her ears.

By the time she had made her final stop, the sun was setting and Melisa was grinning from ear to ear.

[Eighty suns! I can't believe it! Just twenty more, and we'll be in the clear!]

As she made her way back home, Melisa passed by the old shopkeeper's place. To her surprise, he was outside, sweeping the front step.

He looked up as she approached, his eyebrows raising in recognition.

"Ah, the young entrepreneur returns! And what have you been up to today, little miss?"

Melisa puffed out her chest, pride emanating from every pore.

"Oh, you know, just revolutionizing the rune industry! I've been recharging spent runes for the neighbors. Pretty impressive, right?"

The old man chuckled, leaning on his broom.

"Recharging runes, eh? Well, I hate to burst your bubble, kid, but any mage worth their salt can do that trick."

Melisa smirked, shaking her head.

"Ah, but that's the thing! It's not the mages who need this service. It's the nim! We can't recharge runes on our own, remember?"

The shopkeeper paused, a thoughtful look crossing his face.

"Hm. I suppose you have a point there."

Melisa nodded, but then a sudden thought struck her. She eyed the old man warily, realizing she might have just created a competitor.

[Uh oh. Better nip this in the bud, before he gets any ideas!]

"Of course, this was just a one-time thing," she said quickly, waving her hand in a dismissive gesture. "I only needed to make an extra twenty suns. I won't be doing this again."

The old man studied her for a moment, then nodded slowly.

"I see. Well, in that case..."

He disappeared into his shop, leaving Melisa shifting nervously from foot to foot.

[Oh man, did I just blow it? Is he going to undercut me? Steal my business model?]

But when the shopkeeper returned, he wasn't holding a broom or a bag of runes. Instead, he pressed a small pouch into Melisa's hand, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and respect.

"Here. Twenty suns. Consider it an investment in your future."

Melisa's eyes widened, her mouth falling open in shock.

"I... You... What?"

The old man chuckled, patting her on the shoulder.

"You've got a clever mind, kid. And a knack for spotting opportunities. But this rune recharging business? Let's just say it's better left to the professionals."

Melisa blinked, understanding dawning.

[He wants to do it himself. He thinks I'm onto something, and he doesn't want me muscling in on his turf.]

She nodded slowly, pocketing the pouch of suns.

[It's selfish of him. But, as much as I don't like it, I definitely don't want to make an enemy out of "the town mage" or anything. Whatever, I can let this one slip.] She grinned. [I'm far from done innovating.] 

"I get it. Don't worry, I'll stick to my own inventions from now on."

The old man smiled, giving her a wink.

"Atta girl. Now run along and put those suns to good use. And remember, if you ever come up with any more brilliant ideas... my door is always open. Bring them to me first and I could, I dunno, perhaps help you refine them." 

Melisa grinned, giving him a mock salute.

[Fuck no.] 

"You got it, old timer!"

And with that, she skipped off, her heart light and her pockets heavy with the fruits of her labor.