Syux, Part Four

A few days later, Melisa stood in front of a full-length mirror, tugging at the collar of her new school uniform, looking at herself in the mirror with the pride of a knight in a fresh suit of armor. 

The deep blue fabric of her shirt was softer than anything she'd ever worn, and the silver embroidery along the edges sparkled in the morning light.

Margaret hovered nearby, her eyes misty as she fussed over every little detail.

"Oh, Mel, you look absolutely adorable!"

[I do indeed~] Melisa wriggled her eyes at herself in the mirror. [I need to be careful. This level of cuteness might cause at least a few heart attacks.] 

Outwardly, however, she set aside her ego and simply said:

"Thanks mom." 

As Margaret continued to gush, Melisa's mind wandered. She'd never been a fan of school back on Earth. Too much pointless busywork and not enough actual learning.

But this... this was different.