Syux, Part Seven

Melisa stood beside Javir on the balcony, her heart still racing from the night's unexpected excitement.

[What was that?] Melisa wondered. [A kidnapper? An assassin?] 

The cold air made Melisa shiver as she watched Javir's face, etched with concern, scanning the darkened streets below.

"So," Melisa began, her voice a mix of curiosity and trepidation, "what do you think happened? What was that?" 

Javir's eyes remained fixed on the city as if the guy who'd escaped could pop up at any moment.

"I'm trying to narrow down the possibilities."

"Well, let's see," Melisa mused. "I haven't been in Syux for long. Given that it was me they were after and not you, well," she tapped her finger against her chin, "it had to be someone from the Academy, right?" 

Finally, Javir tore her eyes away from the city. 

"You are one bright 9-year-old."

Melisa blinked.

[RIGHT! I'm 9!]