The Prodigious Nim, Part Thirteen


As the Introduction to Spellcrafting classroom filled with chattering students, Armia sat at her desk, her eyes fixed on the door.

[I wonder where she is,] she thought. [Class is about to start, and she's still not here. Neither is that kitsune girl.]

Armia shifted in her seat, her tail twitching behind her. 

The thought of going to Melisa's house after classes were done made her scales itch with discomfort.

It wasn't that she had anything against the nim girl personally, but the idea of spending time in a nim household, surrounded by nim things and nim smells...

[It's just for the project,] she reminded herself sternly. [Once it's done, I won't have any reason to associate with her outside of class.]

Still, the prospect made her uneasy. She knew that if she and Melisa continued to work together publicly at the academy, people would start to talk. They'd see the two of them, the darian and the nim, and they'd make assumptions.