The Prodigious Nim, Part Twenty-Eight


Armia strode through the academy halls, her bookbag slung over one shoulder as she moved with determination. 

It was Monday morning, the start of a new week, and she was feeling uncharacteristically bold.

As she neared the classroom, she caught sight of a familiar dark head at the back row. 


And, as usual, she wasn't alone.

Isabella was draped all over her, the two of them cuddled up close as they giggled together, the rest of the room visibly annoyed at their public display of affection. 

Usually, it looked like Isabella was being the assertive one. Today, though, they were both equally drunk on giggles. 

Armia instantly joined in on feeling annoyed. 

But she pushed it down, squaring her shoulders as she marched up to their desk.

"Melisa," she said, her voice coming out a bit sharper than she'd intended. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Melisa looked up, blinking in surprise at Armia's tone.