Roommates, Once Again*

Melisa trudged into her room, her tail dragging behind her like a dejected puppy.

After a day of helping everyone settle in, her body felt about as energetic as a sloth on sedatives. All she wanted was to face-plant into her bed and maybe not move for, perhaps, the next century or two.

[Please, for the love of all that is holy and unholy, let there be no surprises waiting for me,] she thought, pushing open the door.

The universe, in its infinite wisdom and questionable sense of humor, promptly handed her a surprise wrapped in black hair and pale skin.

Raven stood by the dresser, methodically unpacking her belongings.

Melisa froze. 

She turned as Melisa entered, her face as expressive as a particularly stoic statue.

"Javir assigned me to your room," Raven said. "She hoped you wouldn't mind. You know... since we're roommates at the Academy already."