Chapter 29 Who is the really 'hunter'?

Alex starts to check the information of the deceased with doubts, which has been dug out by the powerful netizens. It is very detailed, except for when her menstruation came every month.

Looking at the photos of the deceased, she is really pretty, but her mouth is too poisonous.

Alex doesn't remember what happened exactly in the first diary, and could only infer based on the content of the diary. The case happened ten years ago, and now he couldn't find the information at that time at all, after all, a decade has passed.

But Alex knows that there is someone who must know about this matter, and know more details than him, and this person is certainly the original owner's father.

Alex was still young at the time, and it was his first time to kill someone, so there must be a lot of traces left afterwards. It can be seen from the content of the diary that he should have been caught long ago, and then it is impossible for him to continue to commit crimes.

At that time, the father must have helped the original owner deal with the scene, who is a famous psychologist with a high IQ and a calm personality. The technology ten years ago was not as advanced as it is now, so it was normal that he was fine.

Alex decides to go back and asks his father. Even if he will be scolded and beaten, he has to find out who else knew about this matter at the beginning, otherwise it would be a time bomb.

It happened that the mother has just called him back home. Although Alex refused, it is not much strange for him to say that he would go back again. He takes out his phone and simply explains to his mother that he would go back for dinner in the evening.

After hanging up the phone and confirming to go back tonight, Alex thinks of Tom. If this person really knew something, what should he do?

Of course, Alex knows that the best way is to make Tom die, and then the dead would not speak anymore, but he feels that he is unable to really kill someone.

Alex has a premonition that once he killed someone, he would be more deeply affected by the original owner. At that time, it would not be as simple as occasionally having strange ideas. Maybe he would become the same as the original owner and he could not afford this price.

Alex recalls the few times he met Tom. Maybe he is guilty or suspicious but he feels more and more that Tom must know something.

When they first met, Tom gave Alex the impression that Tom was the same kind as the original owner. At that time, Alex just thought his own mind was too crazy.

When they met for the second time, Tom inexplicably invited Alex to see the deceased instead of looking for other neighbors, which also shows that Tom was deliberately guiding him to meet the deceased. Was it to make him recall the contents of the diary? To remind him or warn him?

However, Alex thought Tom was so strange at the time and didn't agree with his idea, he also told Tom that he was not curious about the deceased at all, which made Tom misunderstand, or ruined his "plan".

Then came the third meet. Even though Alex has shown a way of keeping people far away from him before, Tom still greeted him as if nothing had happened. Is this person so good-tempered? He is not a peerless beauty, so it is even more strange for him to do this.

Not long after Alex returns home, Tom did @ everyone and emphasized the name of the deceased and the cause of death. 

Alex 's eyes gradually becomes sharp, and all signs 80% sure show that Tom was deliberately making Alex think of the contents of the diary. Alex is now certain that Tom is approaching him on purpose, but he doesn't know what his purpose is?

Knowing 'Susan'?

To avenge 'Susan'?

Alex thinks of the dead Susan in the apartment suddenly, was she killed by Tom?

If Tom really killed her, then Tom had enough reasons to come looking for Alex . After all, judging from the motive for the crime, Tom regarded himself as the 'messenger of justice'. If Tom knew that Alex had killed someone before, Tom might want to kill him as well.

Alex sneers,

"Is he treating me as a hunting target? Super interesting, but who is the really 'hunter' is still uncertain?"

In the evening, Alex drives back home and sees his father taking care of the flowers he planted. He glances at Alex and then turns away without any words. Alex does not take the initiative to step forward and say hello. Now it is not the right time because the mother could not know about the whole thing. Alex has to wait and find another time to ask.

After dinner, the father gets up and dresses, apparently going out for a walk. Alex knows the opportunity has come, but Alex doesn't follow him immediately. Since Alex is afraid that if he looks like he is following the father, his father would not go.

After waiting for a while, Alex feels that the time is almost up, so he simply says something to his mother and gets up to catch up with the father. His father doesn't walk far at this time, so Alex runs a few steps and comes to his father.

His father frowns at him, then looks back at the villa, as if he has thought of something, and says in a low voice like he accepts his fate,

"What's the matter?"

Alex hesitates for a moment, then asks,

"Dad, do you still remember Miss Susan?"

When Alex asks about her, his father flows into a rage, "What do you mean?"

Looking at his angry father, Alex wants to go forward to comfort him, but he dodges. Alex is helpless,

"Dad, it's been so long, and I know I did a lot of bad things, but I have corrected them now."

His father points at him with trembling fingers as if he has heard a big joke,

"Hahaha, you changed? You said that you changed? Ask yourself, do you think you can really change?"

Alex is speechless. Yes, he would not kill anyone, but what about the original owner? The original owner would definitely continue to kill more people, and he could not control the original owner. It seemed that nothing has changed. How could it be said that he has changed?

"There is no way to refute it, right? I know you well. You can't change it at all. That is your nature, your instinct. You are a beast. Will a beast feel guilty for hunting and killing prey?"