Go to the driver's house with a hammer

But what he doesn't expect is that the driver looks back at him and says,

"Not enough."

Alex truly gets stunned. It is just a 20-minute drive, and the road is very crowded. If calculates by mileage, it would be only 5 euros at most. Now he already gives the driver 20 euros. Isn't it enough, seriously?

The driver explains, "Look, I helped you carry the luggage, right? I'm the driver, it's not my job to carry the luggage. I helped you carry it, so should I charge you some money?"

Alex is speechless. Didn't the driver rush to carry the luggage by himself? Now it's Alex's fault? Alex also knows that it is difficult to argue about it. In addition, he is a foreigner, so it is normal to be ripped off. He has expected it, so he didn't say much and just asks,

"How much am I supposed to pay?"

"150 euros."

Alex looks up at him and suspects that he has misheard, so he asks again, "How much exactly?"

The driver smiles and repeats the same thing,

"150 euros."

Alex is a little stunned looking at the honest appearance of the driver. He got into his car before because he looks pretty honest. Now it seems that he is extremely wrong. It is true that you can't judge a person by his appearance. 

Alex turns his head and asks, "Aren't you afraid that I will call the police?"

The driver smiles at him and says fearlessly and casually,

"You can do whatever you want. If you want to call the police, please hurry up, I have work. If I stop for a longer time, the price will go up."

Alex nods, takes out 150 euros from his wallet and hands it to the driver who takes the money with a smile, nods in front of him, and then gets out of the car to open the trunk for him.

Alex silently memorizes his license plate and walks to the hotel with his luggage.

Alex has only heard that Hua City was in chaos before, but he didn't expect it to be so chaotic. He has been in Beijing City for a long time and has always lived in a society ruled by law. He has thought that all places should be like that. Even if some places are chaotic, they are chaotic underground, and it is still acceptable on the surface.

Reality taught him a lesson and made him deeply understand the meaning of the word "chaos".

Alex is a little excited. No wonder Tom said this was a paradise. For people like Tom, this is a natural hunting ground, and everyone has a reason to be killed.

After entering the hotel, fortunately the hotel is more formal, and there is no situation where he will spend 1500 euros a night.

After settling down, Alex knows that he would take action next. However, it is impossible for him, an outsider, to join the gangs as soon as possible here. After all, those gangs are not something that anyone could join.

Gangs need someone known to recommend new person, and they ask to take an assessment, which is the so-called pledge of allegiance. Alex doesn't plan to do this.

First, Alex doesn't really want to join, and second, it would take too much time to do so. He couldn't wait that long.

For him, the fastest way to get in touch with those people is the casino. Whether Alex wins or loses, as long as he looks rich, those people will definitely pounce on him like sharks smelling blood.

Of course, there are still risks in doing this, for fear of encountering those who don't follow the rules. Alex has thought of this method before, but now he changes his mind. The driver truly pointes him to a clear way.

Alex has a simple lunch at restaurant. The food here is still very local and very good.

After the meal, Alex finds another taxi driver. During the chat, he finds out some information about the driver who has ripped him off before. Alex doesn't know the driver's whole name, but he knows that his surname was Lian, and everyone called him ; Mr lian at that time. Alex also found out the address in the casual convrsation luckily.

Alex finds a hardware store at random, brings a hammer, hides it in his sleeve, and goes directly to the driver Lian's house...

The drive lives in an old, dilapidated community. When Alex arrives at the gate of the community, he goes to the small store downstairs to buy a large bag of snacks. He knows from previous conversations that Mr. Lian has a son, so he couldn't go empty-handed, which would be truly impolite.

Alex knocks on the door with snacks in hand. A middle-aged woman opens the door and asks in confusion, "Who are you?"

"Sister-in-law, right? I'm Mr. Lian's friend. I come to see him for something. Is he home right now?" Alex says with a honest smile.

"No." The middle-aged woman shakes her head.

Alex pats his forehead,

"I guess he forgot again. I told him so many times, but he still forgot it. Well, I'll leave first and come back after he gets off work."

Then Alex hands her the snacks he bought, "These are for the children, keep them first."

The middle-aged woman pushes them a few times, and Alex asks in confusion, "Sister-in-law, why are you so vigilant? Didn't Mr Lian mention me to you?"

Without waiting for her to answer, Alex continues, "Yes, he can forget such an important matter, I guess he forgot to tell you something about me as well."

Alex stuffs the things into her hands and turns to leave, when the middle-aged woman calls him,

"Why don't you come in and sit down, I'll call him and ask him to come back as soon as possible."

Alex turns back and hesitates, "No, I'd better wait for him to come back, and it's dangerous for him to answer the phone while driving."

Seeing that Alex really has no intention of staying, the middle-aged woman also let down her guard,

"It's okay, come in and wait for a while, I'll call him and ask him to come back soon."

Alex does not refuse this time. The reason why he refused so much before is to let her down her guard. Otherwise, it would be difficult for a stranger to enter the house, and anyone would be alert.

But when Alex expressed that he didn't want to enter the house, her vigilance would definitely decrease. After all, in her opinion, she is the one who let people in, and the snacks in Alex's hand also helped him to make him look kind.

After entering the house, Alex finds a place to sit down casually. The middle-aged woman takes out her mobile phone and calls Mr Lian.

"Honey, there's someone visiting our home who wants to talk to you about something."


"No, he said he told you."

Alex knows he is exposed now, but he is not panicked at all. He smiles and says to her, "Give me the phone and I'll talk to him directly."

The middle-aged woman looks at the smiling Alex. She feels the danger and hands the phone to him cautiously. Then Alex takes the phone.

"Mr Lian, how could you be so forgetful? Didn't we meet before? Didn't you help me carry the luggage? have you forgotten it?"

When Mr Lian, who is driving, heard this, he immediately pulls over. He knows that he has run into a tough guy this time. He says solemnly,

"Hey, bro, let's talk it over. I was wrong totally and I apologize to you first. As for the money, I will return it to you. Of course, I will compensate you later. Just tell me the amount and do not hurt my family please."

Alex listens to the apologize and begging on the phone and smiles,

"Which money? We are friends. Did you forget that I had something to talk to you before? If you are not busy, hurry back."

"Okay, okay, I'll be back soon."

Hearing Mr Lian's reply, Alex looks up at the middle-aged woman and says, "Okay, then you try to hurry up. Also, I think my sister-in-law has some misunderstandings. So, I'll make the sound played out and you can explain it to her."

Alex raises the phone and Mr Lian's voice comes from it. "Wife, honey, don't worry, this is just my friend. It's okay. I'll be back soon."

Alex hangs up the phone and looks at the still vigilant middle-aged woman. He knows that this would not dispel her vigilance, but he doesn't care much about it now.

Seeing the middle-aged woman frequently looking at the clock, Alex smiles, "What? Is the child coming back soon?"

Hearing Alex say this, the middle-aged woman freezes. Alex stands up and walks to her side one step by one step.