Do you dare to kill him?

From his action of asking Alex for 150 euros for taxi fare, it can be seen that Mr Lian is not a good person. The reason why he listens to Alex so much is because he knew that Alex is really a murderer, but this tied man in front of him is not, so his inner greed is at work again.

Simon looks at Mr Lian, stops pretending, and asks, "What did he ask you to do?"

"Watch you, don't let you contact the outside world, and don't let you die either."

Simon nods, and this makes him feel a bit relieved.

Mr Lian continues,

"You and I both know that he is not a good person, and he might have killed someone, so don't make it difficult for me, and I won't make it difficult for you either. Let's just wait patiently for a while, deal? is that okay?"

Simon nods. Now it seems that this is indeed the best choice, which is better than angering Alex.

Seeing Simon nod, Mr Lian is also very satisfied, "Call me if you need anything, I'll be outside."

After a while, Simon begins to twist his body unconsciously. Obviously, any normal person would feel uncomfortable if he or she is tied up while awake for a long time.

Simon shouts loudly to the outside of the door, "Bro, bro, are you still outside?"

Mr Lian hears the noise and walks in, asking, "What's the matter?"

"Bro, can you untie me? This is too uncomfortable and I promise that I will absolutely not run away!" Simon says quickly.

Mr Lian doesn't say anything. Seeing this, Simon continues, "Bro, really, I swear, I promise not to run, stay here honestly."

Mr Lian hesitates for a while, thinking that if this tied wants to go to the toilet later, he would have to untie this yellow-hair man as well. So it truly doesn't matter if he unties this "fashion man" now. The only thing Mr Lian has to worry about is that he might run away, but he thinks Simon wouldn't dare to do that.

Mr Lian nods and walks towards Simon who is very excited to see that Mr Lian is going to untie him finally.

While Mr Lian is untying the rope, he warns, "Don't have any bad thoughts. As I said, we can't afford to offend that crazy man."

Simon rolls his eyes and asks, "Bro, what's your name?"

"You can call me Mr Lian, they all call me that."

"Then I'll call you Bro Li, and you can call me Simon."

Mr Lian doesn't say anything. After untying the rope, Simon moves around a few times and rubs the back of his head which is still injured and makes Simon feel very painful . He turns his head and looks at Mr Lian and asks,

"Bro Li, are we just going to let that person do whatever he wants?"

Mr Lian smiles,

"I knew you would say these things, and I'll tell you the truth. What else can we do if we don't let him do whatever he wants? Where can we run to? Unless we kill him totally, it will be a permanent solution, but do you dare to kill him?"

Simon hesitates when he hears what Mr Lian said. He has never killed anyone, but thinking of his current situation, he grits his teeth and says fiercely,

"There is nothing I need to be afraid of!!! It's just a knife and an action, and that's all!"

Mr Lian's expression becomes serious, "Have you decided yet?"

Simon nods vigorously, "Yes, I'm sure, but you have to help me."

"Okay. No problem"

Mr Lian agrees. In his eyes, Alex is too dangerous. He couldn't see through Alex, so he naturally couldn't guess what choice Alex would make at the end. What if Alex wants to kill them finally? He truly does not want to take that risk.

Compared with Alex, Simon made him feel more at ease. As for why Mr Lian didn't resist by himself, it was because he couldn't afford the cost of failure.

The two begin to plan what to do when they see Alex next time.

Alex sits in the car until 4 a.m. During this time, many people want to take a taxi, but he refuses all of them since he is waiting for one person and he would only take that person.

Alex looks at the people walking out from the bar and finds that most of them have left. It seems that he has no gains today. Just when he is about to drive away, there is a riot at the door of the bar.

It is human nature to watch the excitement. Alex thinks that there is nothing to do tonight anyway, so he does not leave and continue to sit in the car to watch.

Alex sees a group of men surrounding a woman. He could not see the woman's appearance, but he thinks she should be very beautiful, otherwise why would these men try to get close to her?

Several men gestures and says something with their hands, which is obvious that they are very angry.

Alex just watches with interest. To do something righteous? He has never thought about it. At most, he would call the police when things get very serious, and that would be considered his best efforts.

To save the beauty? To go forward and clash with those men? Alex would not do that. First of all, there are many men in the group who are all big and strong. It is still a question whether he could beat them successfully. If he gets hurt, who would be responsible? Expecting those hooligans to take responsibility? He's overthinking.

Secondly, even if he is the son of god descending from heaven and could beat everyone down, what would he do afterwards? If the police comes, it would most likely be treated as a fight, and he would have to pay for it and be detained. This is the reality.

Besides, this woman is drunk now, and she looks like she is not afraid of anyone. What if she sobers up later? Seeing this gang of hooligans, can she still be so tough? She will probably retreat and dare not explain the situation. At that time, he will not even have a place to reason. The risk is too great and the gain will not outweigh the loss.

After a while, a scene that shocks Alex happens in front of him. He sees that the woman kicks one of the men in the crotch, and her hands are not idle, she swings her shoulder bag and hits another man on the head.

This makes the men more angry. Alex doesn't know whether it is because the woman is super agile or because the men is too drunk, the fact is that these men doesn't hurt the woman a little at all.

The woman rushes left and right, turning back from time to time to swing the shoulder bag, and she doesn't suffer any loss.

Alex's eyes exaggeratedly widen. Wow, women are just as good as men. He really wants to stand up and praises her, "Lady hero, you have really great skills, awesome !"

However, as he watches, Alex frowns, because he finds that the woman is running towards him.

"What the hell? Jesus..."

Alex wants to drive away directly, but when he thinks that if this woman is caught, her fate would probably get terrible. After thinking about it, he decides not to leave, just to do good deeds for himself.

The woman moves very fast. After a while, she opens the car door and sits in. Without waiting for her to speak, Alex looks at the group of men who has totally lost their minds and drives away silently.

Looking at the group of men who are jumping up and down in anger, Alex curls his lips, it is really interesting.

The woman is sitting in the back seat, panting. Alex looks in the rearview mirror and sees that the woman is very beautiful, just in line with his aesthetic taste.

Then Alex moves his sight. He is in a big trouble now, and he is also a "murderer". It is truly not suitable for him to talk about love stuff and It is estimated that no woman would like a "murderer".

After the woman takes a breath, Alex asks, "Hello, lady, where are you going?"

The woman leans back in her seat, looking out the window, and does not answer.

Alex asks again, but the woman still doesn't answer. Does this mean that he can drive to wherever as he pleases? Isn't this a typical routine in TV dramas? But Alex is truly not in the mood to play with her now.

Alex now refuses anyone who tries to get close to his life, because he can't afford the cost of being exposed. Compared with love and other things, his life is more important.

He pulls over directly, and in the woman's puzzled eyes, he says lightly,

"Get out of the car right now."

The woman frowns, doesn't speak, and doesn't make any movements either.

Alex smiles coldly. If he had some good feelings for this woman before, now he immediately becomes disgusted. This kind of woman is spoiled by men totally. Relying on her youth and beauty, she naturally thinks that all men in the world should hold her and care about her.