Chapter 38 A Drastic Change

Once the candidates for the Super Soldier plan were determined, Arthur went to Agent Carter and reviewed a number of spy lists provided by Lindsay Clive.

He confirmed that Fred was not on them!

After that, Arthur took no action and did not lobby for Fred's capture.

Because he knew that there were many spies of Hydra than just Fred alone, catching one Morrison, catching one Lindsay, or catching one Fred… would not fundamentally solve the problem.

After all, Fred was a spy Arthur already knew about so while his danger level was not zero, but it was infinitely close to zero.

But if he removed Fred from here then Hydra could easily replace him with someone else.

Well, let's not discuss whether Hydra can do that, but what if they did?

Arthur would immediately be in the dark, and something so easily manipulated would immediately be beyond his control.

So rather than let things get out of control, it's better to act as if it's unintentional now, which can give him over ninety percent certainty!

This was Arthur's calculation in his mind, and he couldn't tell anyone.

Telling anyone anything could cause the current situation to collapse.

And now… all the people and events from the movie were vividly present in his memory.

He could easily deal with all the crises he faced today.

With a casual swagger, Arthur approached the car with the license plate 'SM553A'.

Beside the car, two men in suits were talking in low voices. When Arthur approached, they immediately stopped talking.

"Hey, man, got a light?" Arthur asked.

The two men's expressions changed slightly, one looking around while the other put his hand inside his suit jacket…

Before his hand could come out, Arthur suddenly punched him in the face.

How strong was Arthur now?

He had tried punching a bag in the military camp these days, and even though he was still far from the limits of human strength, a full-strength punch from him was definitely not something a normal person could withstand.

With this punch, the man was immediately covered in blood and fell backward to the ground.

The other man's movements immediately accelerated as he pulled a pistol from under his suit and pointed it at Arthur, ready to pull the trigger.

But in the next instant, Arthur disappeared from his sight.

Then a sharp pain suddenly came from his chin. Arthur immediately made a defensive move, followed by an offensive move, the immense force of which sent the man flying, causing him to lose his grip on the weapon, which fell to the ground.

In an instant, Arthur grabbed the flying body and threw it violently away.

The first man Arthur struck didn't die or pass out and now rose from the ground as his companion's body came flying toward him.

Both men rolled into a heap. Arthur stepped forward, and before they could get up, he grabbed one by the head and slammed him down hard.

Thud, Thud!

Both men lost consciousness.

All this happened in the blink of an eye. By the time the agents from the Department of Strategic Science Reserves rushed over, Arthur had already risen from the ground, spitting out the cigarette in his mouth. "Take them away."

His tone was calm and natural, but the agents didn't move, each eyeing Arthur warily, wondering who the hell he was.

Arthur's face darkened. Obviously, not every agent knew him.

Fortunately, the old lady from the antique shop came out just then. "Listen to him," she said.

The agents then took the two people on the ground away.

Arthur looked at the old lady, who grabbed the cigarette that rightfully belonged to her.

"What a waste," She muttered.

Arthur chuckled before he spoke. "I'll go in first."

"Be careful," The old lady warned. "There are many influential people inside."

Arthur nodded, adjusted his breathing and clothes, then stepped back into the antique shop.

The old lady opened the door for him, and Arthur entered the secret chamber.

It was quiet here, everyone was nervously watching the experiment taking place inside a special apparatus – where the future captain was.

Arthur knew that injecting the serum was only the first step. Next, they had to stimulate the serum with Vita Rays to achieve the perfect effect. And that method would consume at least the entire city's electricity!

Arthur's arrival went unnoticed except by Colonel Phillips and Agent Carter.

Agent Carter seemed to want to say something to Arthur, but he gestured for her to be silent, then casually sat down next to a man wearing black-rimmed glasses.

He sat there as if nothing had happened.

Agent Carter looked at Arthur thoughtfully, then remained silent.

As time passed, the experiment became increasingly tense.

The light within the device's single window grew more intense as powerful currents continuously flowed into it from the conductors.

The experimental platform began to struggle under these massive electrical shocks, emitting bursts of explosions and flashes of electricity, causing some confusion among the experimenters.

Arthur watched quietly, but he wasn't particularly worried.

After all, his appearance couldn't possibly make the future famous Captain America disappear, could they?

As this thought crossed his mind, the light in the device suddenly faded as it reached its strongest point.

Dr. Erskine watched nervously before suddenly exclaiming, "Wow!"

Howard immediately opened the device, revealing the 'adult' Captain.

Muscular, but looking somewhat weak.

Even Arthur, who had seen this scene in the movies, couldn't help but marvel, "So this is the legendary… transformation of a man?"

Applause broke out, and everyone stood up to congratulate him.

But as the man with the black-rimmed glasses next to him started to get up, Arthur grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back down.

Fred looked dazedly at Arthur, who grinned at him, "Did you enjoy the magic show? Still trying to act cool?"

"Huh?" Fred's questioning words hadn't even come out before Arthur's fist came straight at him.

Three consecutive punches left Fred dazed and unable to run, held tightly by Arthur.

In the end, he was knocked unconscious in Arthur's arms.

Everyone was stunned by the scene. One man who looked very important stared at Arthur in astonishment, then turned to Colonel Phillips. "I think you owe me an explanation."

Arthur heard this and opened Fred's mouth.

Colonel Phillips approached. "What are you doing?"

Arthur pulled a tooth out of Fred's mouth and placed it in Colonel Phillips' hand before he spoke. "Here's your explanation."