Chapter 8

At first, nothing happened. But then, the candles began to flicker, and the Ouija board started to move on its own. We were shocked as the planchette spelled out a message: "HELP ME".

We knew that we had to act fast. We decided to perform a ritual to appease Tolani's spirit and help her find peace. We gathered herbs, candles, and other materials, and began the ritual.

As we chanted and prayed, the atmosphere in the room began to shift. The temperature dropped, and a cold wind blew through the room. But then, a warm light began to emanate from the center of the room, and we saw Tolani's spirit materialize before us.

She was no longer angry or vengeful. Instead, she looked sad and lost. We knew that we had to help her find peace. We continued the ritual, and slowly but surely, Tolani's spirit began to fade away.