say goodbye

Her friends are throwing her a party after school, before she leaves later that night. All packed and ready she heads to her school for the time.

The school day wan wonderful. Everyone brought her flowers, chocolates and cards. She was going to be so missed. Considered to be the school Princess and voted class beauty was adored, but it was her heart that would be missed most.

The teachers ordered pizza and the whole experience was positively wonderful. It was about 5 o'clock when her fathers limo car pulled up. Giving her final good byes she gets into the car and departs.

"We're stopping at a hotel along the way to change before you meet the Dracu's." Her Papa said.

Violets heart was beating fast now. Anxiety washed over her. "This is really happening" she thought to her self.

After arriving at the hotel she showers and changes into her gown. She looks beautiful in her long white silk dress the silver straps straps complementing her skin. The dress hugged her curves, it wasn't like she was super curvy, but her body was nice. Looking in the mirror, she really looked like a woman. Her hair braided down her back. A small dainty necklace with a star shaped diamond charm and matching earrings.

She was sure she'd break a few necks. All ready she meets her father in the hotel lobby. And sure enough everyone stops and stairs at this marvel of a woman walking up to her father.

"My darling you look good enough to eat" we laughed.

They drive off with only an hour left before she says good bye to her Papa. Will she see him again for Christmas? She realized she didn't even know when the next time she would see her father. Pain ached in heart at having to say good bye to her Papa.

Pulling up to the house.

It's not a house it's a practically a palace.

"How about my daughter doesn't just look like a princess she will live like one" her Papa brimming with delight. Walking up the Terrance they are greeted by the butler.

Saying nothing he leads us into the entrance.

And when we walk in I see them. They were beautiful. Tall and strikingly handsome. The oldest had hair like night blue hair and glasses his name was Gabriel. The second oldest had brown hair his name was Oliver. And then Riley who had black hair and a strong build.

Alexander was tall and had orange hair and a mean look. The youngest was Jeremy he was small and was holding and stoic with white hair. Introducing themselves was about all the conversation that happened. The Dracus had no intention of inviting him in any further or engaging in conversation with this idiot. They just wanted the girl and and wanted him gone.

Feeling as though he's over staying his welcome violets father says his good byes.

"Violet be a yourself, they are bound to love you." He whispered before kissing his daughters forehead closing the door behind him. She turns around and sees those 5 beautiful men.

And then it suddenly hit her like a pile of bricks.

She belonged to them.