a Lolita dress

He gets up leaving her in the bed still naked from the night before and walks out not even looking back.

Her heart sank.

"Okay" she says to herself. Starting the day. With her ever optimistic attitude she gets up and heads to her bathing chamber. Washing off the filth of yesterdays events. The shower is beautiful. White stone walls with marble flooring. A clear shower curtain. The shower head was square and it extended from the ceiling instead of the wall. The water was hot running down her body. It felt soothing flowing over the bite marks. The old ones were slowly disappearing. But Alexander's fresh one still remained. She didn't heal as fast as a pure blood vampire, but she healed as fast as a common one. That was because of the human part of her.

She leaves the bathing chamber wrapped in a towel to find Jermey sitting on her bed.

"I didn't know it would take you so long to meet me in the garden so I came to meet you in your room instead." He said.

Jumping startled by him "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to keep you waiting." Violet started "I just have never had such a wonderful shower! I know that sounds silly. But it's the little things, ya know?"

He just stared at her unphased by her almost nakedness and unconcerned with her opinion on the shower.

"I'm, I'll go get ready" she says heading over to the suitcases.

"You don't need to bother with those clothes anymore, you have a full wardrobe in your closet." Jermey said to her.

"Oh, really? okay!" Smiling she leaves her suit case and goes to her closet, she hasn't had the time to get familiar with her room let alone the rest of the estate.

"Wow! There are so many dresses!" She said with excitement.

Well at least I will have all these pretty dresses! She thinks trying to remain optimistic about her horrible situation.

Jermey gets up and walks over to the closet and starts to search through it, "please wear this one, when I went shopping for you I picked this one out"

It was a Lolita dress. All the dresses were! She was so happy, her father must have told them her preference.

"Thank you so much!" She said with a smile at him

He just tilts his head to the side some and then leans against the door frame looking at her.

"I'll get dressed now" she gleams at him hoping he will leave her closet.

"What's stopping you?" He responded.

"Oh well I was waiting for you to leave the closet." She said clutching the dress to her body which was still only in a towel.

"Now why would I turn down the opportunity to watch you dress in something I personally chose for you." Grinning a predators grin at her.