school part 1

Violet locks her door and turns to her bed and she sees a dry cleaning bag there.

She walks over unzipping the bag to find her new school uniform.

She had almost forgotten about starting at a new school. A school of vampires and wolves.

Vampires and wolves attended school not really to learn things but to socialize more than anything.

She will be attending a school where she's the only human.

She takes a deep breath in holding it and then letting it out and smiles, "it's okay if I can live here, I can handle everything school has to throw at me." She gives a fist pump and another pep talk as she gets ready for school. Undisturbed.

After getting ready and hyping herself up sh walks down stairs and sees Oliver, Jeremy and Alexander. Overwhelmed by her mixed feelings when she sees the 3 standing there waiting for her. She takes in another deep breath before walking into the room.

"You ready? The cars here to take us." Alexander asks.

Violet nods and says "mhm" then slanting her head and smiles lightly.

Clearly masking the anxiety she knows they smell.

"No need to lie I can smell your anxiety Violet" Jeremy says walking toward the door first.

Oliver turns to Violet and says "todays going to be fun" with a snarky grin

Violet jumped startled by his sudden movement and words of terror. Flinching at his words.

"Shut the fuck Oliver I'll kill you if you touch her" Alexander snarled at him.

"Ha you couldn't kill me even if you meant it" Oliver laughing off Alexander's threat.

"Oh I mean it" groaned Alexander. And he did. He'd kill anyone for her.

"Don't cause me any problems today at school, I don't want to have to drive there and explain your repulsive behavior." Gabriel said to the 3 of them as we walked out the door.

"Behave yourselves and be sure no one tries anything with our maiden."

The word our hung in the air as again another reminder to her she was theirs.

The drive wasn't very long but it was quiet. Violet sat sandwiched between Alexander and Jeremy. She was fidgeting with nervousness and excitement. Oliver was sitting across from her watching her his smile full of dark intent. Alexander was watching Oliver watch her, ready to attack in her defense and Jeremy just stared out the window with discontent.