school part 3

Outside of a glares and whispers the class room quieted and the studies began.

Violet would stay in this class for the first half of the day. There were different professors rotating with the different subjects. She'll have lunch and then two different classes after lunch with different teachers before the school day is over.

She learned a lot about vampire history. Like she had no idea that the reason vampires burn in the sun is because the direct sunlight dehydrates the skin making it almost translucent which magnifies their blood boiling it and because their blood is thick like oil it will eventually catch fire. Therefore roasting them. Or that the reason they need to drink blood isn't because they eat it like food it acts as a transfusion of a kind. The blood gets old and clotty when no new blood enters the stream which then can cause pain and irritation and they can become irrational with the thirst to satisfy the pain of their blood clogging. Oliver said it feels like choking to death. Makes sense.

The anatomy of a vampire was what I expected. Because I attended human school only really interacted with vampires blood related to me because of their natural resistance to my blood. So there was never really a need to teach me all the finer details of vampire anatomy.

After the first half of classes are done Oliver walks with Violet to the cafeteria. Where they find Alexander and Jeremy waiting for them at the entrance.

"You fucking but her in school Oliver? Are you stupid or something? What the fuck makes you think that's a good idea." Alexander screaming at him in the hallway.

"I wanted to establish her worth and what the risk would be for touching something of mine that's of the highest value and importance." Oliver replied nonchalantly.

Alexander rips his arm from around Violet yanking her by the arm away from Oliver and closer to him and Jeremy.

"Don't do it again Oliver or Gabriel will be pissed" Jeremy said "and we have to worry about the students here having a death wish and drinking from her."

"You really think, they would think, that her blood is worth the risk of their lives."

Oliver said surprised

"Are you dumb? She's not mated yet. If someone takes her and fucks her and gets her pregnant. We lose her. We can only make more Pure Bloods with her. It has to be one of us that mates her." Jeremy said condescendingly.

"You know you're acting a lot like Gabriel, Jeremy. I get it. I made it more interesting here didn't I?" Oliver chuckled.

Jeremy just rolled his eyes and walked away putting his hands in his pockets.

"If something happenens to her it's your fault you piece of shit.

Violet has just stood by quietly clinging closely to Alexander's back side holding him by his shirt.

All of this has just been so terrifying for her. She closers her eyes and pulls herself together.

She lets go of Alexander and looks up at the two vampires arguing infront.

"Hey how's hungry? Cause I know I am, so hungry, let's go grab some food from the cafeteria" just staring at them sweetly with her innocent smile she holds her hands together in front of her uniform before she takes both of the sleeves of their jackets and says "please come on let's go" and pulls them through the lunch room doors.

They are jerked a bit forward surprised by her actions just now. They just look at each other and let her drag them.