my blood?

Violet rushed over to help Alexander and Oliver up. Alexander slaps her hand away "don't touch me right now." And he storms off steaming with anger.

Oliver gratefully accepts it. And lets her pull him up. She dusts him off and sees a slight strip of blood on his cheek.

She wipes the blood away. And then sees the slash in his arm through his shirt.

With concern Violet gasps "you've been hurt!".

She takes him from the cafeteria leaving Jeremy to clean up the mess. They walk through the halls when Oliver says this "door here."

"Okay". Violet replies.

She opens the door and finds a mostly empty room with a desk, a table, some chairs, a couch, a cabinet and shelves. Nothing in or on them.

"This room is for clubs, but it goes unused most of the year." Oliver said "mostly used for study groups now"

"Oh I understand, let me see you arm." Violet picks up his and places it in her lap and pulls the sleeve back. "Well it's starting to heal but seem it's a bit slow, that's odd"

Oliver chuckles "yeah wolf scratches won't kill us but take a little bit longer to heal."

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know" violet said. "Thank you for earlier."

"You know you could repay me and it would heal me immediately."

"My blood?" She said quietly looking down at the slashes on his arm.


"Okay. You can have some. But don't take too much I have mo…"

And before she could finish he took her in his arm getting blood on their uniforms. Pressing his body down on hers on the couch. She was trapped between the couch and Oliver. He pulls the jacket and shirt over her shoulder and his fangs lengthen grazing softly over her skin. "I'll be more gentle this time" and then bites her. The pain first is excruciating she bites her lip stopping a scream. She lets her self relax and once she did a rush of pleasure came with the pain. Her body wanted him to take more it was arousing her and he could taste it in her blood so he went with it he began to touch her sides. Running up and down. She moans from the pleasure and pain of the bite and touch of him on her. He pulls her shirt and then slides his hand up cupping her breast in his right hand. And then pulls up the back of her skirt gripping her ass. Pressing against her she moans her skin was cold but her insides were on fire burning with desire. Was it always like this so painful it was pleasurable and so pleasurable was painful. It was so overwhelming. He wanted more of her. He started to get greedy pressing harder against she could feel the length of him thicken and and expand. She could feel his desire through the bite it was desperate. She started to get scared.

"Okay Oliver that's enough" she lay the back of his head and lightly pushed on him, hoping he'd get the message. But he wanted more of her. He bit down harder making it hurt more. She sucks in her teeth gritting with pain.

"Please Oliver enough." Violet pleaded.

"Not yet I'm almost done." He removed his hand from her breast and spread her legs pushing the length of his against her pantys. She was a little wet and that set him on fire he wanted to be in her so bad. He hated having to wait. He just started rubbing himself against her soft center as he bit holding her neck extended for him. She moaned softly. He rubbed until he found relief.

Good thing he keeps extra clothes in the gym locker. He'll need change cover in cum and blood.

He lets go of his bite licking her wound to help it heal. And still holding her by the neck he whispers in her ear smoothly "you are so much fun."