primed and ready for the taking

Those words terrified her but there was also a shred of excitement in that idea.

Picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder he slides his fingers in her again working her out.

"When my brothers get home. We're gonna fuck you."

He throws her on the bed and then grabs a tie from his dresser.

"I'm gonna tie your hands together and you're gonna take every last bit I give you. Understand?"

Violet just nods yes. Fully naked and sprawled out, not like she had a choice to say no.

He was gonna fuck her. She could see it in his eyes. Then Riley came through the door.

"I thought I smelled her blood"

Oh no she thought.

"Were you gonna fuck her without us?" Riley asked lifting his eyebrow.

"No I was gonna fuck her first and then have you guys join when you got home."

"Well since you insist." Riley begins to take off his clothes.

Nooo not Riley please not him. Anyone but him.

To late. Gabriel was tying her up and Riley stared at her like a starved lion. Riley and Gabriel approached her tied up naked body on the bed, completely defenseless and at their mercy.

"Wow you really are a masterpiece looking at you. Your body so tiny but your breast so round. Us brother got lucky the first Maiden in 3 generations was born looking like you." Gabriel said lightly touching her body with his finger tips.

"I've been dying to get my dick wet with her." Riley grinned climbing up to her and laying in her right side and Gabriel on her left. They both just touched her.

Riley was matching Gabriel as to not piss off the oldest by acting like a savage and laying waste to her body like he's been desperately wanting to do since the minute he ripped her panties off on her first night.

Restraining himself he followed the head of the families lead. With each man caressing her body they each cup a breast in their hands in them their fangs length and bite into her breast. Her nipple in their mouths.

The pain was intolerable at first but then with each suck they both were flicking their tongues on her hard nipple. Their breath warm from the fresh blood and bodies warming from drink her blood. They moaned as the intoxication of her blood and her arousal sent them into a frenzy. Feeding from her breast they reach their hand between her legs touching her little clit. She arches her back moaning. One of them slips a finger in her while the other spreads her open by her lips. Sucking on her breast and fingering her she couldn't handle the pain and pressure it was setting her body on fire. It felt so good them feeding on her and touch around her.

And then the door down stairs slammed shut.

Echoing in the house.

To distracted by what was happening to her it took her a second to notice Gabriel got up and grabbed another tie from his dresser and then approached the door. Opening it we could hear the footsteps running up the stairs and Alexander is the first at the door.

"What the fuck man?" Alexander said heat steaming from him eyes almost looking red?

"Relax Xander, Riley and Oliver were right, she's just too good to wait. So either you join or you miss out." Gabriel said with a twisted smile. "Choice is yours"

Walking with a tie back over to her with Riley still sucking from her breast and playing with her clit.

"Fuck yeah" Oliver said coming through the door stripping his clothes off as he walks in.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world." Jeremy said following suit.

Alexander stood in the doorway pondering what to do.

Gabriel takes his tie and covers her eyes.

"Now you won't know which one of us is touching you where."

Fear building slightly inside her along side excitement.

She was wet from being played with and the shower.

These men looked at her ready to each devour a piece of her and she could feel the predatory stare.

"I'll go first."