a gentle night

Gabriel Jeremy and Riley looked down at her tiny body amused with their handiwork.

Alexander and Oliver feeling guilt seeing her abused body look so defeated on the bed.

"Xander could you take her to rest in her room? I trust you can clean her up too? You seem to feel something special towards our little pet." Chuckling they leave the room and head to the dining room to eat.

"I got it Oliver, would you mind getting food for us and bringing it up she's gonna be hungry and thirsty" Alexander said undoing her restraints and blindfold. He picks her up in his arms. She was a puddle of bloody mess. He brings her from Gabriel's room into her bedroom. He gently lays her naked body in the bed and heads into the bathroom staging a bath for her.

Once the bath was ready he picked her up and carried her over to the bath gently sitting her down he gets her sponge from the shower and then he takes a seat next to herself. Soaking the sponge he draws it over her skin lightly grazing over the bite marks. She sucks in her teeth wincing from the pain of the hot water.

"Thank you" Violet said sweetly looking up with such tired eyes "you didn't have to but I am really glad you are" closing her eyes she just lets him wash her gently. Dozing in and out of sleep so relaxed by the warm bath and lull of his gentle stroking her skin. After she's clean. He goes and gets her a night gown, laying it on the bed and then he returns to her side with a towel. He scoops up tiny violet in his muscular arms and he brings her to the bed.

"You think you can lean up long enough for me to dry you and dress you?" He asks her

"Yeah" she said in a quiet sleepy voice.

So he does. He dries her hair some and then puts the gown over her head; sliding her arms into the sleeves.

He brings the covers back and tucks her in.

"Goodnight Violet" he wipes her wet bangs from her face.

She grabs his arm, "please will you stay with me. I don't want to sleep alone."

"I'll always stay with you Violet." Alexander says crawling into bed with her, he pulls the blanket around him and curls his large body around hers encasing her body with his. They slept so soundly curled up with one another.