the lights

Jeremy takes Violet out to the garden. At the entrance he reaches over to a tall bird house. Looks new.

And a second later there were stars within arms reach of her. Glittering in the garden.

"You said you couldn't see, so after the night with my brothers while you were with Alexander. I put the lights up. So you could walk through the garden and see at night."

"Oh Jeremy this is the sweetest thing you've ever done for me!" In that moment she jumped on him wrapping her arms around him squeezing. "Thank you so much! I love it! I'm so happy!"

And in that moment Jeremy blushed. He's never felt so much appreciation for anything really. And he can't remember the last time anyone had embraced him like this. So wholeheartedly and love.

The word foreign in Jeremy's mind. This girl really was stupid. But clearly so was he if the world appeared in his mind alongside an image of her.

They continue to walk through the garden discussing his flowers. It was so easy for Violet to talk with Jeremy when he let his guard down. For an hour they wandered around the garden when Oliver approaches them. He taps her on the shoulder and then jumps to the other side so when she looked back he wasn't there and when she looked forward again there he was. She squealed jumping from being startled by him.

"Oh Oliver you scared me!" She said bumping into him with her body and laughing.

"What are you doing out here?" Oliver asked.

"We are talking a walk admiring my handy work with the new lighting" Jeremy answered first.

"I like it. Really lightens the mood" Oliver snickered.

Violet giggled some and asked "Care to join us?".

"I very much care to join you."

The garden was so much larger than she realized. Expanding over to an orchard and a lake. A tiny garden pavilion over looking the water.

Cherry blossom trees stood near the lake. She's never seen Cherry Blossoms before only read about them in her mangas. She was elated to see them she ran over breathless staring at them.

Oliver and Jermey look at each other like the blood thirsty predators they are. But this time there thirst wasn't for blood. It for her.

They walked so quietly it was almost as if they weren't even touching the ground when they surrounded her.

"You know you just look so good watching you appreciate my garden." Jeremy says.

"You look divine standing next to the lake."

Oliver followed.

"You guys are getting a little close you know." Violet whispered her voice shaking. She makes herself seem smaller even than before but this just turned the two brothers on more. They struggled to be around her for long. Her blood triggers an animalistic response and because she's unmated their bodies scream for her.

"We can't let Riley be the only seed today. That would be unfair to the rest of us. Hes had more chances to get you pregnant." Oliver said "I don't think you want that rat bastards baby do you" stepping close enough to her he was able to reach down and kiss her.

Grabbing her face in his hands his mouth dives into hers desperately. Seeing this Jermey joins coming from being her sliding his under her arms and in to her breast. Kissing all over her neck. Both of them pressing hard lengths to her don't and backside. Oliver's deep in her throat she couldn't protest the two men.All she could do was surrender. She knew fighting was always usesless. They were better to her than Riley. If they wanted her they could take her she would obey. This was her life after all she belonged to them. Was made for them. For Pure Blood vampires. Jeremy Sucks her neck and playing with breast. Oliver slides his down between her legs and touch her. She moans and rambles in response.

"Oh Violet don't fret we will take very good care of yo."