his eyes a violet shade of red.

She awakes to a knock on her door.

Looking around she realizes she's in her room. Still naked. She rises from her bed with her blanket and walks to the door opening it she finds Alexander. And his face was furious. He glared at her with such intensity it stole her breath.

He was the most beautiful of the brothers in her opinion. He was the one who made her feel.

Alexander pushes through the door slamming it shut behind her. He shakes her.

"I fucking hate you." He yelled at her.

"I watched as they fucked you Violet. And I watched you enjoy them fucking you." His eyes a violent shade of red.

"They didn't just fuck you. You fucked them."

Heart broken by his hurtful angry words.

"You're scaring me Alex, stop please I'm sorry" Violet in tears.

He picks her up by her throat "you're sorry," and he throws her across the room toothed bed.

He took off his shirt and his pants.

"You're sorry"

"I fucking told you were mine." He climbed on to her bed.

Violet was crawling to get away when Alexander grabbed her ankle.

"You run from me not them?"

Absolutely sobbing because Alex was acting like this.

"Alexanger please, please I am sorry. You have no idea how sorry I am."

"I'll make you sorry, maybe if I treat you like the rest you'll fuck me too"

"ALEX…" was all she was able to get out before he put his lips on hers. Her lips were warm and plump. Her eyes filled with tears. He felt starved for her. He was utterly unhinged. She reached up to put her hands on his face. But he grabbed them slamming them back down. Holding them there he pressed against her mouth once more. Using his knees he pushes her thighs apart. She doesn't fight him, she lets him spread her legs easily. He lets go of one of her hands and he rubs his dick on the outside of her entrance getting it nice and wet for him. And then he shoves himself in. Ripping her walls she screamed in pain. He thrusted over and over. Panting in her ear he kissed and sucked on her neck. Leaving hockey's all over her neck. Letting everyone know who's she really belonged too. She was shaking and feeling completely broken by him. Her heart weighed heavy with an ache so painful she cried.

"Alexander" whimpering

"Do you want me yet." He snarling in her ear nipping it.

"Yes I've always wanted you."

And that stopped him dead in his tracks.

She said always.

His face softened as he gazed into her eyes. He was absolutely mesmerized by her pink eyes. The whites red from tears.

Tears he caused. Tears she shed not for herself. But for him.

It had broken her she couldn't beling to only him. It scared her that he might not be her mate. Terrified her. Her worst fear was being Riley's.

Finally she stopped holding in all her sadness. Under the pressure of his intense stare and him pressing her into the bed with his cock deep inside her. She bore her very soul to him.