Complete silence and furious anger

"In the City" 

Akane sits on a bench. 

Akane: We've walked a lot. 

Haru: Yes. 

Akane: Aren't you tired of carrying that sword? 

Haru: I'm used to it... I've been carrying it since I came here. 

Akane: Were you athletic in your previous life or something? 

Haru: Regarding that, yes, I was very active. I used to go to the gym every day and eat healthy food (or that's what I intended to do telling myself I will start tomorrow every day). 

Akane looks at the sky: How beautiful... I wish mine was like yours. 

Haru: How was your life? 

Akane: That's not important now. I haven't told you about the guilds yet... There are many guilds, but the most powerful and famous ones are the Black Pyramid, Dragon Claws, and Hunting Dogs. 

Haru: Who are the Hunting Dogs? 

Akane: It's a guild supported by the government. 

Haru: Wonderful. there is a government here? 

Akane: Initially, they were just a group wanting to protect people from murder, and over time, as their numbers increased, they became a full government. 

Haru: It seems like there are a lot of good people here... You're also very kind, Akane. 

Akane: Indeed, I am. 

Haru: Yes, you've told me a lot about this world without asking for anything in return. 

Akane: Yes. 

Haru: What about magic in this world? Where can I learn it? 

Akane: In reality, there are many differences in magic and many interpretations of it... Some say it's just four elements represented by four circles around the center of your body, and by developing them to higher levels or by combining them with each other, you produce other types of magic. And there are those who say there are fourteen circles from the beginning, not four, and many more beliefs... As for how magic works, it's simply that the center of your body feeds these circles with energy, and let's say it's the element of fire, then you can use this element, and by using it repeatedly, your fires become stronger. And there are those who can use more than one element. 

Haru: (Why is it so complicated... All I wanted to do was say a spell or draw a fancy circle.) 

Akane: It's okay; it's complicated at first. I was in your place too after all we all are new to this world and how things around here work when we got reincarnated here. 

Haru: Really... How comforting... So, what element do you use? 

Akane: Earth. 

Haru: Awesome... Can you make mountains and stuff like that? 

Akane: Take it easy, boy. I'm not that skilled. All I can do is just the basics. 

Haru: I want to learn. 

Akane: Alright... Not everyone can use magic from the first day, and maybe the earth element is not the most suitable element for you, so don't despair if you didn't succeed at your first try. 

Haru: Okay, teacher. 

Akane: Alright, let's go to a little further from the city. 

Haru: Okay. 

"After a few minutes of walking" 

Haru: Amazing... This forest is huge. 

Akane: Yes, I love coming here very much... Alright, let's stop here. 

Akane sits on the ground, and Haru sits in front of her. 

Akane: Okay, I want you to clear your mind and close your eyes. 

Haru closes his eyes. 

Haru: (The place is so quiet, what a good feeling... But how will this help me use magic?) 

Haru opens one eye and finds Akane with her eyes closed. 

Haru closes his eyes again: Alright, I'll clear my mind and focus. 

Haru sees himself pushing a spherical rock up a steep slope: It's so heavy... With each step, it becomes harder and harder... My feet tremble, my breath tightens, and my strength fades... If I give up now, I'll fall; I can't stand for long, and I can't retreat... Anyway, the fate is the same. 

Haru looks to his left and finds a smiling face. 

Haru wakes up startled. 

Akane: What's wrong? 

Haru: I had a nightmare. 

Akane: A nightmare? Were you sleeping already? I thought you were meditating. 

Haru: I was... I didn't realize I was asleep. The dream felt so real. 

Akane: Come to think of it... I haven't had a dream since I came to this world... Or maybe I just don't remember them. 

Haru: It's okay. I want to know what's next. 

Akane: You're already tired and need sleep. We'll continue tomorrow. 

Haru: Come to think of it... Where can I sleep? 

Akane: Well, it's hard to find any work on your first day to earn money and rent a room... You can sleep at my place until you find a job. 

Haru: Thank you. I don't want to be a bother. 

Akane: It's okay. You haven't been a bother so far. 

Haru: Thank you, Akane. I'll repay you for this kindness. 

Akane: It's not necessary. 

Haru: So, are we going back to the city? 

Akane: No, my home is in the middle of the forest. 

Haru: That sounds wonderful. 

Akane puts her hand on Haru's mouth. 

Haru: What's wrong? 

Akane, in a soft voice: (There are footsteps.) 

A voice of a blond man from above: Hello, comrades, why are you hiding? 

Haru: (Who is this, and what is he doing above the tree?) 

On the sight of Mino Akane runs towards the city shouting to Haru so he runs with her 

Haru moves, and Mino appears in front of them, causing Akane to retreat, but suddenly a man with blue hair called Asahi appears behind them. 

Haru: What do you want? 

Mino: Why are you so scared, boy? 

Mino: My name is Mino, and this big guy is Makoto, and the third one is Asahi... We were looking for monsters to hunt, but it seems there's something better than monsters. 

Mino reaches his hand towards Akane, but Haru grabs his wrist. 

Mino: You're quite brave. 

Mino looks at the ground: Isn't this Shawn's sword? 

Haru: (Damn, he knows it.) 

Mino laughs: he's not the type to give gifts. 

Mino approaches Haru: Are you a fighter... How did you do it? Did he underestimate you... or did that girl help you? 

Haru presses on Mino's wrist: You have nothing to do with her. 

Mino: Your grip is strong, boy... I can't release my hand... What should I do? 

Mino smiles and wraps his wrist grabbing Haru's wrist: Burn. 

Mino's hand emits flames and holds Haru's hand. 

Haru quickly holds his hand back retreating while he tries to put out the flames. 

After extinguishing the flames Haru reaches his hand to grab his sword, but Asahi uses his sword to push away Haru's sword while saying: Cheating is not allowed here. 

Haru: (Damn, what can I do here?) 

Makoto approaches Haru: Step aside, weakling, we only want the sword. 

Mino: Yes, it will be good in my hands. 

Makoto extends his hand to grab Haru. 

Haru pulls out his dagger and cuts Makoto's arm. 

Makoto holds his arm and screams in pain. 

Asahi: You bastard. 

Mino: It seems you have more tricks up your sleeve. 

Asahi and Mino advance at the same time. 

Haru blocks Asahi's sword with his dagger, but Mino kicks him away. 

Makoto getting himself together approaching Haru with an angry look in his eye. 

Mino: You've really managed to piss him off. 

Haru gets up and looks at Akani, who is trembling: Run, Akani. 

Makoto punches Haru, knocking him to the ground. 

Haru: (I tried to block it with both hands, but it was useless. He's extremely strong... All three of them are strong.) 

Haru yells: Why aren't you moving, Akani? Run! 

Mino: Don't listen to him. We'll kill him and find you. 

Akani: Not again. 

Mino: What? 

Akani: I'm tired of this. 

Mino looks at Haru: Hey, what's up with that girl? 

Akani throws a rock to Mino's left, which he dodges downward: That was close. 

Haru stabs his dagger into Makoto's right side and runs towards Mino. 

Mino lifts his leg to kick Haru, but his other foot gets stuck in the ground. 

Mino: So, I can't ignore you, Huh?. 

Haru tries to stab Mino, but Asahi blocks him. 

Haru and Asahi exchange hits. 

Mino releases fire from his leg to free it. 

Makoto grabs Haru from behind. 

Haru: (D-damn, I can't break free from him...) 

Asahi tries to stab Haru, but a wall appears in front of Asahi and breaks his sword. 

Haru tries to escape from Makoto: (Damn, at this rate, he'll crush me.) 

Spikes emerge beneath Makoto's feet, but he continues to hold Haru. 

Mino rushes at full speed towards Akani, extending his flaming hand towards her neck: "Checkmate." 

Haru: "Akani!!!!" 

The slime jumps onto Mino's hand and evaporates. 

Mino: "What was that just now?" 

Akani becomes furious, and a wall descends onto Mino's head. 

Mino holds the wall: "Damn it, the fire refuses to come out of my right hand." 

Akani punches Mino in the stomach, sending him flying away. 

Haru kicks Makoto repeatedly: Let me go, you freak. 

Makoto continues to bleed and falls on his back, releasing Haru. 

Haru falls to the ground and starts to crawl: (I can't get up; I don't feel my arms.) 

Akane rushes and punches Mino again. 

Asahi grabs Akane's hand, and she raises him up and quickly slams him to the ground, causing him to lose consciousness. 

Mino gathers a large flame in his hand and strikes the ground, causing it to spread in a circle around him. 

Akane splits the circle, but doesn't find Mino, so she gets angry and strikes the ground hard.