New place

Haru woke up startled, breathing heavily. 

Amy: Hold on, I'll bring you a glass of water. 

Haru: (What?) 

Haru looked around and found himself in a strange room. 

Amy came back with a glass of water: Here you go. 

Haru took the glass and drank from it. 

Amy: Did you have a nightmare or something? 

Haru put his hand on his head: Yes... this always happens to me. 

Amy: That's strange indeed. 

Haru: Yeah... someone told me that no one dreams here... 

Haru remembered his fight against Amy, Arata, Kuro, and Sora. 

Haru stood up and bowed: I'm really sorry for what happened. 

Amy: Don't get up, you need to rest... I'm really glad to know that you're a good person on the inside. 

Haru: Thank you. 

Amy: Did you manage to defeat all those monsters alone? 

Haru: Yes... I was alone. 

Amy: That must have been very difficult. 

Haru looked at his body and realized he was shirtless. 

Amy brought a shirt for Haru: Your shirt got torn, you can take this one. 

Haru: (Is this their uniform or something... wait) Did... did you see the tattoo? 

Amy: Y-yes. 

Haru looked away, bothered. 

Amy: It's okay sometimes we do things we regret... in my past life, I got many tattoos and regretted it... I mean, as years go by, your mindset changes... so your perspective on tattoos might have changed too. 

Haru laughs: You're right... 

Amy: My name is Amy. 

Haru: It's a very beautiful name... My name is Haru. 

Amy: Nice to meet you, Haru. 

Haru: The pleasure is mine. (It seems she really doesn't know about the tattoo.) 

Sora entered the room: Are you finally awake? 

Haru bows: I'm so sorry, I hurt you badly. 

Sora: I don't want an apology... You've been treated; you can go now. 

Haru is surprised and remembered the time he spent with Akane. 

Amy: Why are you so rude, Sora... he just woke up. 

Sora: You're lucky he didn't try to kill you again. 

Amy: He didn't mean that. 

Sora: Killing usually doesn't happen accidentally. 

Haru: You're right. 

Amy: No, you shouldn't say that... 

Haru: I lost control at that time and almost killed you all my comrades... I'm really sorry, but I have nowhere else to go. 

Sora: Fortunately, it's not my life. 

Amy: Sora, please stop. 

Sora: What? 

Arata and Kuro enter. 

Arata: What's going on? Why are you guys so loud... Oh, did you really woke up? 

Haru: Is that my sword? 

Arata hides the sword behind his back: As you know, you slept too much... I didn't want to wake you up to try the sword. 

Haru: It's okay, it suits you better anyway. 

Arata: Are you kidding me? It's too heavy, and it has a triangle or something on it, it must be expensive. 

Kuro: Man, did you die in elementary school? It's a pyramid, not a triangle. 

Sora: Did you guys come here just to say these delusions? 

Amy: Time to vote. 

Arata, Kuro: Vote? 

Sora: Don't even try. 

Amy: We're one guild... any decision we make must be made together... so what do you think about Haru staying with us? 

Sora: Of course, he won't stay. 

Arata: Let's be serious for a moment... he tried to kill you, but he seems to be conscious now, and he's very kind... I agree. 

Sora: You fool, is all this for the sword? 

Kuro: I'm not sure, guys... first, I want to know how he ended up in that cave... he didn't even enter through the gate, I think... we encountered some monsters on our way, indicating he didn't take the same route. 

Everyone turns to Haru. 

Arata: That's true. 

Haru: I had a girl with me who could use earth magic. 

Kuro: Wow... she can use energy like Amy. 

Haru: Yes... she opened this entrance for me, and we headed to the place where you saw me. 

Sora: And where did that girl go? 

Haru: Well... what happened is that she... 

Sora: Come on, speak up, what are you hiding? 

Amy: You shouldn't press him, it's not your right. 

Sora: Of course, it's my right to know what kind of people will be in my guild. 

Kuro: It's not "your guild," the idea was Amy's. 

Sora: Whatever. 

Haru stands up: Thank you for treating me comrades... I would have died if you had left me in that cave. 

Amy: Hold on, the vote isn't over yet... what do you think, Kuro? 

Kuro: Well, he seems like a good person, but I can't forget what he was like in that cave... at least I want to know when he'll be in that state. 

Sora: Also, he didn't tell us what happened to that girl. 

Haru smiles: I really can't explain something I don't understand myself... I hope to see you soon... be strong. 

Arata: You can keep your sword, man... you'll definitely need it. 

Haru put his hand on Arata's shoulder: Don't worry, I'll be fine. 

Haru left the room: (That was close... I know I have nowhere else to go, but... I really shouldn't trust them... I haven't found anyone kind in this world yet.) 

Haru remembered both Akane and Ryo and Leia. 

Haru: (Leia? Maybe she was the only one who was kind... or maybe I didn't have enough time to get to know her.) 

Amy: Wait, Haru. 

Haru turns around: Amy... I really appreciate your effort, but I can't stay. 

Amy: Yes, you won't stay; I'll come with you. 

Haru: What? But why would you do that? 

Amy: Someone once told me that the strongest do whatever they want... so I'll leave three weaklings alone in one guild. 

Amy sticks her tongue out at Arata, Sora, and Kuro. 

Arata looked at Sora and Kuro: She called me weak because of you two. 

Kuro: I haven't decided yet, why are you looking at me? 

Sora: Such fools. 

Haru: I appreciate that, really, but I won't be the reason for you to split you comrades... I can't take you with me. 

Amy: But I've already packed my bags... I used my power to do it, but the important thing is that I did it. 

Kuro: Alright, I'll change my question... why are you so determined to have him join the guild, Amy? 

Amy: My intuition never fails me with people... he's a good person, so I want to recruit him. 

Kuro: I'm not someone who trusts intuition, but I know you're stubborn, so I'll agree. 

Amy jumps: Yes! You're with us, Haru! 

Sora: I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots. 

Haru: (Maybe it's okay to stay... I have nowhere else to go anyway.) As you wish comrades.