Raid of hell 1

Arata: Are you ready, comrades? 

Haru: Yes, I'm fully healed... you're an amazing healer, Kuro. 

Kuro flexed his muscles: That's nothing compared to my other abilities. 

Haru laughed. 

Sora: I'm the one who decided whether we go or not... my injury was the most serious. 

Amy: Someone feels jealous because he was defeated twice. 

Sora: Jealous? I can defeat him easily as long as he doesn't lose his mind. 

Amy: What's the problem with that? You're brainless in both cases. 

Sora grumbled: You're lucky I don't hit girls. 

Amy: I doubt you'll stand against my gravity manipulation. 

Sora: You're such a lucky arrogant girl. 

Kuro: Enough, enough... let's just go and search for the raid. 

Arata: Yes, I prefer that idea. 

Amy: Now we have Haru to look so we can look for a more challenging raid. 

Haru: I don't want to be a burden comrades... we can just go for a normal raid. 

Arata: What are you saying? The raid we found you in was already tough. 

Amy: Yeah, either you're belittling yourself or us... and I won't accept either. 

Haru laughed: Alright, let's go. 

Everyone left the guild. 

Sora put his hand on Kuro's shoulder and approached him: Keep your eye on Haru. 

Kuro: I'm a healer, I keep my eyes on everyone... Can you stop worrying now? 

Sora: Fine. 

Amy: Have you ever seen dragons, Haru? 

Haru: Dragons? ... Do they really exist? 

Amy: Did you expect to live after death? 

Haru: Well, good point, but have you seen them? 

Amy: No, but I've heard of their existence... Actually, that's what made me interested in raids with lizards... I heard they're from the same race as dragons. 

Haru: I don't know, but I hope I don't see one soon. 

Amy: Isn't there a brave one in this guild? 

Everyone headed towards the forest where Akani lives. 

Haru: Are you sure, Amy, that this is the right way? 

Amy: Yes, why do you ask? 

Haru: I-I just wanted to make sure, that's all. 

Kuro: Have you been here before? 

Haru: I'm not sure... the place seems familiar. 

Sora: (There's something wrong with him.) 

Amy continued to walk forward, pushing through the trees, and Haru's tension increased. 

Haru: (What will happen if I saw her again... will she try to kill me again, or will she regret what she did... Anyway, I don't want to meet her again.) 

The Akani Palace appears. 

Haru: (Damn it, I wasn't wrong.) 

Haru covers his head with a hood. 

Arata: What do you think of the hood? 

Haru trembles: It's g-good. 

Arata: I told them we should add a hood to the outfit... It's great for winter. 

Kuro: But it's not winter yet. 

Haru: I don't know... I felt a bit cold as soon as we arrived here. 

Amy: Can we postpone the raid and explore this palace? 

Arata: I don't think the owner of the palace would like that. 

Haru: Y-yeah, let's continue walking to the raid, that's it. 

Sora: I'm really curious to see who owns this palace. 

Kuro: This is the first time you two have agreed on something, so I'll join your voices. 

Haru: (Damn.) 

Everyone heads towards the palace, and Amy knocks on the door. 

Haru: Looks like no one is here. 

Amy: Come on, you have to be patient. It's a big palace... The owner probably walks a lot to open the door. 

Amy continued knocking on the door. 

Arata: Is he deaf or just very slow at moving? 

Amy: I don't know, but it's bothering me. 

Amy looks around at all the balconies: The palace is very clean, there must be someone living here, but where? 

Haru: (This is strange... Akani didn't leave this slime except for that one time we went to the raid.) Unfortunately, we can continue towards the raid now. 

Amy: I'm sorry about that... I really wanted to see inside the palace. 

Sora: Why don't you? 

Amy: What do you mean? 

Sora: Well, if no one's opening the door from the inside, we can open it from the outside. 

Kuro grabbed Sora: Enough troublemaking... Can't you use your brain for something good for once? 

Amy: Kuro's right. We shouldn't invade people's homes. 

Sora: You're so boring... I wanted to fulfill your wish. 

Amy: I don't want it this way. Let's go to the raid, and we can see the palace when we come back. 

Haru: (That was close.) 

Everyone continues walking. 

Amy: Look at this large opening in the wall... Could it be the entrance to a raid? 

Haru: (It must have been Akani who made that opening.) 

Sora: Raid entrances aren't usually this small, but it doesn't hurt to check, I guess. 

Arata: Alright, let's go. 

The group entered the cave and found many lizard corpses. 

Amy: Once again, it seems someone beat us to these raids. 

Sora: Let's go back, it's a waste of time. 

Amy: No, I have a feeling we'll find something this time. 

Sora: I have issues with your gut feelings. 

Amy: Come on, lazybones, checking the raid won't take much time. 

Amy suddenly stops. 

Amy: There are three paths ahead. Which one should we take? 

Arata: We can split up to save time. 

Sora: Last time Amy went ahead of us, she almost died, and now she wants us to split up? 

Haru: I can take a path alone if that's the issue. 

Sora: No, you won't go alone. 

Haru: What makes you afraid of me going alone? 

Kuro: It's okay, I'll go with Haru, Amy will go with Arata, and Sora will go alone. 

Sora: At least he's not with Amy or alone. 

Amy: First of all, I trust Haru, and second of all, I can protect myself unlike you. 

Arata: Enough arguing, let's finish checking the raid quickly. 

Haru and Kuro took the right path, Sora took the middle path, And Arata and Amy took the left path. 

(On Haru and Kuro's path) 

Kuro: I can hear some noises here. This path seems interesting. 

Haru: By the way... thanks for coming with me. 

Kuro: No problem... Sora can be a big pain sometimes... well, most of the time, not some. 

Haru laughed. 

Kuro: By the way... I've noticed your strange behavior towards that palace... It's okay if you don't want to share it with us now... I'll try to avoid the palace on our way back. 

Haru: Thank you, Kuro, I appreciate that, and I'll definitely share this with you guys sooner or later, you're my only friends now. 

Kuro: Stop it, man, you're going to make me cry. 

A large lizard appears in front of Haru and Kuro. 

Kuro: Well, this is a better reason to cry. 

Kuro jumped to warm up while Haru rushed towards the lizard and drew his dagger. 

Kuro: Fantastic! I didn't know you had something like that. 

Haru stabbed the lizard in its foot, and the lizard tried to attack him, but Kuro kicked it in the face, causing it to fall. 

Haru: Great strike! 

Kuro: We make a great duo, don't we? 

More lizards appeared. 

Haru: There's only one way to find out. 

Haru and Kuro continued to strike and punch the lizards. 

Haru: You're really good at this. Who taught you? 

Kuro: I learned fighting from Sora, but unlike him... 

Kuro stood on his hands and kicked a lizard in front of him. 

Kuro: I've reached a higher level of flexibility. 

Haru: That's amazing! 

Haru dodged the lizard's tail and stabbed it in the heart. 

Kuro: Impressive! 

The lizards keep increasing. 

Kuro: Alright, we need to take this seriously now. 

Haru and Kuro surrounded themselves with an aura. 

Haru rushed and continuously attacked the lizards on both sides, while on the other side, Kuro delivered punches and kicks, evading all attacks. 

Kuro: They seem endless... (How is Sora now?) 

Haru threw his dagger into a lizard behind Kuro. 

Kuro: Thank you, I didn't notice that lizard. 

Haru: Don't lose focus, Kuro, there's still a lot. 

Kuro: Okay. 

Kuro retrieved the dagger and threw it back to Haru again. 

Haru got the dagger and turned to stab a lizard behind him. 

Both Haru and Kuro extend their bodies over a pile of lizard corpses after killing them all, panting heavily. 

Kuro put his hand on his heart and Haru's heart, and a green aura appeared healing them. 

Kuro: We need to hurry. We don't know what's happening to Sora and the others. 

Haru: You're right. 

Both Kuro and Haru rise to their feet. 

Haru looked at the corpses and picked up a lizard eye, eating it. 

Kuro: I've seen a lot of strange habits, but this is too weird. 

Haru: I don't understand it either, but for some reason, these things are appetizing to me. I can't seem to stop eating them. 

Haru continued to eat the lizard corpses. 

Haru: Also, I feel like they're helping me heal... Do you want to try? 

Kuro trying not to vomit: No, I'm good... Can't you stop now? We need to check on the others. 

Haru: I... I really can't. 

Kuro: (It's like that state he's reaching; he loses his mind and his eyes glow with an aura.) 

Kuro forcefully pulled Haru, who tried to resist. 

Haru: Let me go! What are you doing? 

Kuro: You have to resist, Haru... I don't know what's affecting you, but I'll help you get rid of it. 

Haru got angry and tried desperately to reach the corpses. 

Kuro: (Okay, I don't have much time... Maybe he'll reach that state, and maybe the others are in danger now.) 

Kuro tightly locks both of his arms around Haru's neck, causing him to lose consciousness. 

He then carried Haru onto his back and rushed towards Sora. 

(In the path of Amy and Arata) 

Amy: I really hate this person who always beats us to every raid... There are only corpses here. 

Arata: And the worst part is that the others are late. They must have encountered some monsters... Apparently, we chose the worst path... And for some reason, there's no ceiling here... I can see the sky. 

Amy grabbed her head: Damn, why did you make me notice that? 

Arata: That this path has no sky. 

Amy: Of course, not... I'm talking about the others being late... I wanted to fight alongside Haru from the start. 

Arata laughed: Seems like you are in love with him. 

Amy: W-what are you suddenly saying? I'm just amazed by his strength. 

Arata laughed: Yeah, and I can fly. 

Amy: You annoying... Wait, speaking of flying, is that a nest? 

Arata: If it's a nest, it's a dragon's nest, It's so huge. 

Amy: You're a genius... It must be... We'll wait here. 

Arata: I was just kidding... Do dragons even lay eggs? Wait, are they even real? 

Amy: Didn't you listen to my conversation with Haru in the forest? 

Arata: I think I was admiring the trees at that time. 

Amy: You've become really boring... Look, there's an opening in front of the nest, it must be the exit... All we have to do is wait here and then leave... 

Suddenly, darkness envelops the cave. 

Arata: Has the sun already set? 

Amy looked up in astonishment. 

Amy: It's massive... Blue in color and has four wings. 

Arata picked up Amy and ran towards the exit. 

Amy: Let me go... The others are still inside! 

The dragon almost descended upon them, causing Arata to throw Amy aside. 

Amy: Arata!!! 

Amy tried to restrain the dragon, but she spit blood and Arata managed to slip past. 

Arata: For a second... No, for a fraction of a second, I thought I was going to die. 

Arata pulled out Haru's sword: Can you move, Amy? 

Amy trembles intensely. 

Arata: Alright, alright, don't be hard on yourself. 

The dragon approached Arata slowly: Where did you take the egg? 

Arata: the dragon is speaking... We didn't take anything, we just arrived. 

Dragon: Humans do nothing but lie. 

The dragon attacked Arata with its arm, but Arata blocked it: Believe me... even if we took it, killing me won't get it back for you... Arata staggered backward. 

Arata: Damn it, Amy, you can't move?. 

The dragon shrined in size, transforming into a human with horns, a tail, claws, and dragon skin. 

The dragon moved in front of Arata and grabbed him by the neck: Look at how much we resemble each other, human. The difference is that we are stronger and nobler... How many of you are in this cave? 

Arata looked at Amy. 

The dragon pushed Arata against the wall: Don't think, just tell me how many of you there are. 

Arata: We are five. 

Dragon: I'll make you slaves for me and... 

The dragon grabbed Haru's foot with its tail to stop his kick from behind and looked at him: Who are you, scum? 

The dragon released Arata from his grip, causing him to fall to the ground. 

The dragon threw Haru to the ground and lifted him up again. 

Kuro left Sora unconscious on the ground and headed towards Amy. 

Dragon: My mission was to check on my siblings, but this is also intriguing. 

Haru: Wh-who are you? 

The dragon: I am prince Zephyr... And what about you, servant of the Runmaryans?