Thirsty for power

"The Next Morning in Teo's Hospital Room"

Doctor (astonished): "All your wounds have healed within just one day. It's quite surprising to me... Your driver called and said he'll be here to take you to school in a few minutes."

Teo (bowing to the doctor): "Thank you for taking care of me, sir."

Doctor (smiling): "Take care of yourself and don't forget to call the police in the next time you face such problem. The principal of "B.H" School called me and said he's sending a driver for you soon. Your mother also sent your belongings with him."

Teo (surprised, thinking): "So soon? ... Well, that's fine."

Teo: "Thank you, sir."

The doctor leaves the room.

Teo sits on the bed, takes a deep breath, extends his right hand in front of him, and remembers his mother's words.

Teo (speaking to himself): "She's right. In the end... I am really very weak."

There's a knock on the door, and Emma asks if she can come in. Teo allows her.

Teo (weakly and despondently): "E-Emma... Thank you for visiting."

Emma (smiling): "Can I sit next to you?"

Teo makes space for her beside him.

Teo: "Of course."

Emma: "Janet told me what you did. Thank you for taking care of my little sister."

Teo (with a downcast tone, lowering his head): "It was nothing... We were just lucky."

Emma: "Why the long face? You've got a great opportunity to study at «B.H»."

Teo (turning away from Emma): "It's not like that... I just feel a bit distracted."

Emma stands up, stretching her arms and yawning.

Emma: "I hope you make lots of good friends there. sigh Although, I'll feel lonely... By the way, Manager Berus asked me to give you this."

Emma hands Teo an envelope with money.

Teo: "Thank you. Could you give it to my mother?"

Emma: "Of course."

Teo gets up quickly.

Teo: "The driver will be here any moment! I have to go now."

"Outside the Hospital"

Teo and Emma stand in front of the car.

Teo: "Won't Janet come?"

Emma: "Her wound is deep and will take two more days to heal completely."

Teo: "I see. Thank you for visiting. Goodbye."

Teo gets into the car and sits in the back. The car starts moving, and Emma waves to Teo, who waves back.

"On the Road in the Car"

The driver adjusts the mirror to see Teo's face.

Driver: "So, you're the new student of Han. It seems things aren't really going well."

Teo: "Excuse me?"

The driver narrows his eyes, staring sharply at Teo through the mirror.

Driver: "What's your ability? Can you use it well?"

Teo: "Do I have to answer? I'm not the type to reveal my ability just to pass the time in transit."

The driver laughs loudly.

Driver: "I like you, kid. What's your name?"

Teo is silent for a moment before reluctantly answering.

Teo: "I'm Teo."

Driver: "Teo, huh? Tell me... What are your intentions, kid?"

Teo: "My intentions?... What kind of question is that?"

Driver: "You seem like someone... who thirsts for power."

Teo is silent for a moment, then looks at the man with a sarcastic smile.

Teo: "Thirsty for power?... What a joke, old man."

Driver: "We're almost there. Get ready."

After a few minutes, the car stops in front of a massive wall.

Driver: "You can get out now. A security guard will take you to Han (the principal)."

Teo gets out of the car, takes out his luggage, and bows to the driver.

Teo: "Thank you for your time."

Driver: "No need." He pauses, then continues, "I'll give you some advice because I like you, kid. Stay true to yourself. Don't flaunt your ability and cause a lot of trouble."

Teo stands puzzled.

Teo: "What do you mean, sir?"

Driver: "I'll leave now. Remember my advice and never... think you're the strongest."

The driver drives away.

Teo places his bag on the ground and drags it.

Teo (thinking): "What kind of trouble does he mean, I wonder?"

"In the Driver's Car"

The driver speaks on his phone.

Driver: "I've delivered him to the school safely."

Voice on the phone: "Good, thank you, Alfred... Now, back to work. We've found one of their secret labs. We'll have a meeting soon, and Evan will attend."

Alfred: "That kid again... Alright, no problem."

"In One of the Empty Classrooms at AM School, Two Students are Playing Chess"

Student 1: "That Teo is arriving today. Aren't you coming to see him? I wonder how strong he is, huh."

Student 2: "That's the least of my concerns." Moves the knight "Your move."

Student 1: "I wonder if he can reach the top ranks? I'm really excited."

Student 2: "Stop chatting and finish your move."

Student 1: "Okay, okay. It's chess, after all. Moves a piece You have to think carefully before your next move, Luke. Checkmate."

Luke stands up from his chair.

Luke: "I knew you would do that. Man, you're the only one who has beaten me so far."

Student 2: "Do you think I can do the same in the fighting ring?"

Luke: "That's what I'm looking forward to." He eyes him sharply.

The other student waves his hands in retreat.

Student 2: "No, no, I'm just joking, hehe~. Besides, you know it wouldn't be fair if we fought." Smiles broadly

Luke: "I don't understand you." The bell rings. "I'm going to class now, Eve. See you later."

Evan: "I'm going to check if the new student has arrived."

"Inside the School Grounds"

Teo is accompanied by a security guard while students stare at him with hostile and wary looks.

Teo glances around.

Teo (thinking): "What's with these clowns? It feels like I'm not welcome here."

After a bit of walking, Teo and the security guard reach a large six-story building.

They take the elevator to the first floor and stand in front of room number five.

Security Guard: "This is your room. You'll share it with another student. You can meet him later. Leave your luggage and then meet the principal."

Teo opens the door, places his luggage inside, and closes it.

Teo: "Got it. Let's go meet the principal."

Security Guard: "Before that," he hands Teo a fancy plastic bag, "these are your school clothes. Make sure to wear every piece inside the bag. I'll wait for you."

After a few minutes, Teo comes out wearing the school uniform: brown pants, a white shirt, a light brown coat, a black tie, and a black watch on his left wrist.

Teo: "Do I have to wear this watch? It's a bit annoying."

Security Guard: "It's the official uniform. Everything has to be in place."

Teo: "Whatever, let's go."

Teo and the security guard walk until they reach the main building.

Security Guard (turning to Teo): "You'll find the principal's office on the first floor, in front of the stairs. This is where I leave you."

Teo: "Thank you for the escort."

Teo enters the main building, looking around at the students who are watching him.

He notices a girl producing sparks from her hand, bullying another girl who is sitting on the ground and crying.

The girl with the sparks takes the other girl's glasses, laughing mockingly.

Girl with Sparks: "What are you going to do now? Are you going to play your favorite song through your wireless ability?"

The other students around them laugh.

Kiros (one of the students beside the girl with sparks): "Don't be so hard on her, Julia. Isn't it enough that her ability is useless?"

Teo steps forward and extends his hand to Julia.

Teo: "Give her back her glasses."

The girl on the ground looks up and wipes her tears to see Teo in front of her.

Kiros steps forward and leans on Teo's shoulder forcefully.

Kiros: "Listen, kid, I've heard about you. The new student who saved Janet Jason. You've become famous in the news, but that doesn't mean you can act all high and mighty h—"

Kiros freezes in place, feeling a killer aura from Teo. He quickly steps back and surrounds himself with a pink aura.

Julia and the other students are surprised.

Julia: "K-Kiros? What's wrong?"

Kiros remains standing on alert, ready for Teo's attack.

Teo: "If you give me the glasses, I'll pretend nothing happened."

Sparks start flying from Julia's hand.

Julia: "Who do you think you are?!"

Teo sighs.

Teo: "Five... four... three..."

Kiros extinguishes his aura, snatches the glasses from Julia's hand.

Julia is surprised again and angrily addresses Kiros.

Julia: "You! Kiros?! What's wrong with you?!"

Kiros hands the glasses to Teo, looking at him with worried and fearful eyes.

Kiros: "Here, take them and leave."

Teo: "Thank you... Behave yourself next time."

Teo helps the girl up and gives her the glasses, then walks away.

Girl: "Th-thank you so much. I-I don't know how to thank you. I-I'm indebted to you!"

Teo: "Calm down... but... try to fight back. Never give in to these jerks."

The girl smiles a fake smile.

Girl: "O-okay... Thank you for... the advice."

Teo (thinking): "What a weirdo."

Teo: "Alright, see you later."

Girl: "W-wait! I-I'm Lynn... Can I know your name?"

Teo (smiling): "Teo, nice to meet you, Lynn. Now, excuse me, I have to go."

Julia and Kiros are watching them from a distance.

Julia (angrily addressing Kiros): "Why were you acting like that?! You embarrassed us!"

Kiros is silent for a moment, then responds in a shaky, trembling voice.

Kiros: "Y-you didn't see what I saw... He was... He was a monster!"