The Eye Against The Beast

"Inside the Audience Stands" 

Teo and Evan sit in two seats next to each other, and at the same time, they see Luke approaching them. 

Luke addresses Evan: "I knew you would come here." He turns to Teo, "Is this him?" 

Evan smiles: "Sit down and watch this fight, I'm sure you'll enjoy it." 

Luke sits down with a look of arrogance and coldness on his face: "First-year students... I don't think they're really that strong." 

Teo ignores Luke's presence and waits for the fight to begin. 

Another boy, Neil, and a girl, Daya, arrive and sit next to Luke. 

Daya speaks excitedly: "I thought they had already started! We're so lucky." 

Evan smiles: "I'm betting on the silver-haired boy, Tyr." 

Neil: "I don't know either of them, but I'll go with Evan's opinion." 

Luke: "I think the shaggy-haired one looks strong." 

Daya: "He looks wild! Maybe he'll win." 

Both Daya and Neil turn to Teo. 

Daya: "Isn't this... the new student?" 

Teo turns to them and speaks arrogantly: "Is there a problem?!" 

Daya waves both hands trying to avoid trouble and misunderstanding: "N-no, I was just—" 

Neil interrupts her and addresses Teo: "You need to learn how to talk to others, that's not acceptable." 

Evan: "Alright, guys! Enough talking, they're about to start." 

The images of Tyr and Zack disappear from the screen, and a countdown from three to one appears, followed by the starting whistle. 

Zack places both hands on the ground, surrounded by an orange aura. The aura forms a wolf tail on his back, then envelops his entire body. 

Zack smiles as the aura intensifies around his limbs, then he rushes towards Tyr with the speed of a wolf. Tyr's eyes light up with a cyan-colored aura, and he surrounds his entire body with it, blocking Zack's attack by grabbing his arms, his hands trembling from Zack's strength. 

Zack: "You're not bad at all!" 

Zack kicks Tyr, sending him flying. Tyr rolls and tries to regain his balance. Zack runs on all fours, stands behind Tyr, and delivers a kick to his back, sending him to the opposite side of the arena. 

Tyr stabilizes himself and regains his balance, but just as he catches his breath, he sees Zack rushing at him, trying to slash him with his claws. Tyr dodges at the last moment but gets a cut on his chest then kicks Zack powerfully, sending him flying just as Zack did to him earlier. 

Zack tries to regain his balance again but loses sight of Tyr, who appears behind him, delivering a similar kick. But before Zack is thrown away, Tyr grabs his arm, hitting him multiple times in the chest and stomach with his palm, finishing with a kick to the head, knocking him down. 

"In the Stands" 

Teo is surprised: "H-how are they this fast?! What are their abilities?" 

Evan smiles: "They're using their aura alongside their abilities. What do you think? Do you want to be like them?" 

Teo ignores him and continues watching the fight. 


The attacks continue between them with speed and equality, neither able to overpower the other. 

Tyr raises his fists and positions them in front of his face like a boxer. 

"In the Stands" 

Daya: "Neil, isn't this your style?" 

Neil watches in silence. 

Tyr dodges all of Zack's incoming punches by swaying left and right smoothly like a boxer, then countering him with a punch to Zack's face, exploiting the space created by Zack's reckless charges. 

Zack steps back a bit: (This guy, he's moving too fast. I'm sure my punches are stronger, but he keeps changing his fighting style.) 

Tyr: (I can do this, just stay calm.) 

Zack places his hands on the ground again, getting into a ready stance. His veins bulge, and his orange aura intensifies, forming the shape of a glowing orange wolf around him. 

Zack rushes with great speed and power than before, delivering a strong blow to Tyr, pinning him against the wall. Zack charges at him with slashing attacks from his claws, but Tyr dodges, and the attacks hit the ground, tearing it apart. 

Tyr: (Is he serious?! Is he trying to kill me?!) 

Zack leaps into the air, sending more slashing attacks with his claws. Tyr runs quickly, and the attacks hit the ground, leaving cuts. Zack bounces in the air, trying to crush Tyr's head with his fist, but Tyr dodges, and Zack's fist hits the ground, crushing the ground around him. 

Tyr turns and kicks Zack in the face, causing him to move back a little. 

Zack: (How is he still able to fight me like this?! Was he this strong?) 

Tyr leaps backward: (His body is incredibly tough, I can barely keep up with him. I didn't expect him to be this strong.) 

Zack roars, producing a wolf-like howl, releasing a wave of his orange aura that covers the entire arena. 

Tyr covers his ears: (So loud!) 

Everyone in the stands covers their ears except Luke, Evan, Daya, and Neil. 

Teo covers his ears: (What the hell is this?! Why does he have so many abilities?!) 

Zack charges at Tyr, delivering a heavy blow that sends him flying, dispersing his blue aura. 

Zack watches Tyr cautiously: (He's not unconscious yet.) 

Tyr slowly gets up, holding his shoulder: "I've won." 

Zack charges at Tyr again but trips and falls on his face, his aura dissipating. 

Zack gets up with blurry vision: (What...what happened to me?!) 

Evan's eyes gleam with yellow as he watches them: "Tyr's last kick to his head really had an effect, amazing...impressive!" 

Neil: "It took time for the impact to take effect, why?" 

Luke: "Because he didn't receive an electric shock, he suffered a severe physical blow. Due to the excitement, adrenaline rush, and his tough body, it took time for the effects to show." 

Daya: "That was amazing." 

Zack tries to get up again, but each time he does, he falls, his vision becoming more blurred until he loses consciousness. 

The bell rings, announcing Tyr as the winner, with his name appearing next to his image on the screen, along with the points earned: 

+1 point for performance and display 

+2 points for defeating an opponent ranked lower than you 

Current points: "231 points" 

Then the screen splits, showing Zack's name and image along with his points: 

+1 point for performance and display 

-3 points for losing to someone ranked higher than you 

Final points: "229 points" 

A medical team enters the arena and carries Zack and Tyr out. 

The doctor scratches her cheek while looking at the two boys : (They're just like their parents, but I didn't expect that wolf boy to lose. His father would have won.) 

Most of the students in the stands get up and start leaving. 

Luke, Neil, and Daya get up, but Evan stops them. 

Evan: "Guys, my little friend has a fight, let's cheer him on!" 

Teo turns to him with a look of disgust: "I don't need any of this crap, and I'm not anyone's friend." 

Daya laughs quietly: "If you want us to watch the fight, that's fine, Evan." 

Daya sits down, followed by Neil. 

Luke yawns: "Guys, you really... anyway, I'm leaving. See you later." 

Daya: "He's always in a bad mood." 

Teo and Sam's names appear on the giant screen along with their points. Teo has 145 points, while Sam has 132 points. 

Teo gets up from his seat and confidently walks towards the arena.