Eclipse's Aftermath: The Battle of Soft Grass (Part Two)

As soon as Liang Xiong gave his command, a pair of experienced Formation Initiates from the Outer Sect poured their energy into a carefully prepared formation surrounding a dozen spring lambs. The poor creatures were terrified and he disliked using them in such a cruel manner but the formation amplified both the sight and scent of the lambs, creating the illusion that there were hundreds of terrified lambs staked out for the locusts to feast on. 

When the scent reached the locusts, the swarm instantly shifted their course, no longer heading directly toward the village and instead flying directly toward Liang Xuanji and the disciples of the Purple Thunder War Hall. Several of the younger disciples shifted nervously, clutching their weapons with white-knuckled hands or shifting their position to meet the rushing swarm. A few muttered quiet prayers to the Heavens and looked at the swarm as though death were about to descend upon them.