Paths to the Inner City

"What's the big deal about the Inner City anyway?" Su Yao asked. "Isn't it just the place where the bigger sects have their main branches?"

"The Inner City is a lot more than just the place where the large sects gather their power," Wu Ling said, noticing both Su Jixin and Zou Sujin looking a little sheepish. Their branch of the Su family didn't have a path to the Inner City either and they'd never thought that their daughter could support such lofty aspirations so they'd never emphasized its importance to her. "In the Outer City, just being a cultivator at all makes you special. There are five thousand mortals for every cultivator in the twenty outer wards of Silver Sword City, though that shifts a bit depending on which ward you're in."

"Right," Su Yao said, following along with Wu Ling. "I heard in the Inner City that there aren't as many mortals compared to cultivators and that the cultivators tend to be stronger in the Inner City."