Wu Ling's Offer

Following the banquet's conclusion, Wu Ling and Su Xiang joined Su Yao and her parents for a carriage ride back to the opposite side of the city. Despite the late hour, enough people milled about the main thoroughfares and night markets to keep the trip at well over an hour.

The first several minutes of the trip passed in awkward silence as both Su Yao and her parents tried to organize their thoughts about the many events of the evening. From Su Yao's astounding calligraphy performance to Wu Ling's shocking duel, there was plenty to talk about but no one knew quite where to begin.

"Sister Su Yao," Wu Ling finally said when the silence became so heavy as to be unbearable. "You should make an attempt at Awakening soon. From your calligraphy tonight, you're very close, you just need the energy of some good incense for the right push."