The Importance of Virtues (Part Two)

"If you will not dedicate yourself to Truth, what will you dedicate yourself to?" Guang De asked, visibly displeased by Su Xiang's rejection. "Will you stand for Justice in the Hall of Radiance?"

Justicars and Inquisitors served different purposes within the Shining Blade Hall. An Inquisitor walked deep into the darkness to shine the light of Truth on the wickedness hidden in the dark. Justicars dispensed Justice and punishment on the wicked. 

While the two seemed to overlap and could occasionally work together, Inquisitors often rejected the more moderate approach that Justicars demanded. Wickedness was wickedness and whenever a Justicar spoke of things like 'extenuating circumstances' it drew the ire of the Inquisitors who had risked much to expose the truth.