Different Ways of Fighting

When Wu Ling and Su Xiang returned to the camp with word that Hou had located an appropriate place to train that could be reached within a few hours, most of the group responded with enthusiasm, and even Fang Lin kept his grumbles to himself. By the time midday arrived, they'd already relocated their camp and broke up into smaller groups.

Wu Ling's first priority with Fang Lin and Yu Jinqi was to understand how they could contribute in combat encounters.

"You know, I can do more than just erect barriers," Fang Lin complained after his third round of testing the strength of his barriers against attacks from Wu Ling and Hou. "If you just give me a few hundred breaths, I can set up a Maze of Misdirection that will lead people away from us so they never attack in the first place. Or I can set up an Obscuring Mist formation to obscure our position and hide us from scouts and the like."