The Protective Warden Mu

When Liang Xuanji reached the branch of the Bamboo Silk House, she initially approached the front gates with confidence and proudly explained her reason for visiting to one of the mortal workers at the front of the sect. When she explained which disciple had caught her brother's eye, however, things started to turn strange.

The mortal worker's eyes widened with shock and she immediately fetched an actual disciple of the sect who again listened to Liang Xuanji's reason for visiting and once again nearly panicked when she heard Wu Ling's name. After confirming several times that she really did mean Wu Ling, daughter of Wu Ningli, the flustered disciple showed her to one of the tea houses at the front of the sect and asked her to wait.

The wait lasted long enough for the tea house to serve tea and a small tray of sweets and for the young researcher to finish the entire pot of tea and tray of sweets before an older woman entered the small room with her.