Go to sleep on the fourth floor, that's where I stay.

His friends, seated to one side, displayed no extra emotion, just doing whatever they were doing and pretending they hadn't seen anything.

The sofa was spacious.

She just rubbed her head against his chest, which wasn't too intimate of a contact. The young girl's delicate and supple body, her hair faintly fragrant, brushed against his throat.

Xu Jingxi, this man, was quite adept at handling advances with ease.

His hand naturally gripped Leh Ying's shoulder, and with a light laugh, a lazy monosyllabic "Hmm?" escaped from his throat.

The head chef was presenting the bill to Xu Jingxi for his signature, bending over and offering a pen.

When it was time to speak, Leh Ying glanced over the bill, health management and home service fees etc., 1.62 million.

A 40% service fee, perhaps as hush money.

Xu Jingxi flipped through the thin paper, casually signing his name with half-lowered eyelids, then asked slowly.

"What were you just saying?"