Leh Ying, do you have the awareness of being raised?

The ringing was about to end when Xu Jingxi finally connected the video call, with darkness on the other side; he hadn't turned on his camera.

Leh Ying sat down in front of the desk, propping her chin on her arm, listening to the voice coming from the other end.

Someone was speaking to that astute political animal, Mr. Xu, "Sir, BitInfoCharts' data."

The conversation was in English, about Bitcoin or Ethereum perhaps.

Recalling that Thailand is an hour behind, there's no way Xu Jingxi would be alone at this hour.

Perhaps surrounded by a few analysts, or someone's female companion and new favorite.

There was a rustle, the sound of a pen dropping on the desk and the noise of a chair being pulled out.

Then silence enveloped the room for two or three minutes.

Xu Jingxi left the room, his leather shoes stepping firmly down the stairs, before settling into a leather sofa by the sea as if finding a random spot to sit.