You with your pile of three wives and four concubines.

Meanwhile, the sun was high in the sky.

In the Dongshan Villa by the lake inside the Fourth Ring, luxury was the norm.

The thick curtains were never pulled back, and the room remained dark and gloomy, as the cell phone on the bedside table rang again.

The voice on the other end said, "Mr. Xu, Liu Sujun from the Liu family is hosting a small banquet at his place and invites you over."

Xu Jingxi hung up the phone and closed his eyes to continue sleeping.

The days were no different from each other.

When it got dark, Huang Zhengwei brought a personal chef to Dongshan Villa to cook for him.

Xu Jingxi wasn't wearing a belt on his slacks, having just taken a shower, and simply donned a white shirt, which wasn't fully buttoned. This was exactly how Huang Zhengwei caught him as he pushed the door open.

He wasn't flustered, considering buttoning the rest of his shirt a hassle, and lazily decided not to bother with the remaining buttons.