He ended up in this pitiful state.

The car returned to Huajiadi.

Leh Ying wiped off the blood around her knee with a tissue soaked in mineral water, but it wasn't very useful.

On the way into the city, they saw a pharmacy and bought a bottle of iodine, antiseptic, and gauze.

All the way, Leh Ying was in so much pain that her lips trembled, and no matter how the person next to her asked, she couldn't utter a complete sentence.

The three-hour drive ended as night fell.

It was Li Ting who helped her out of the car; Meng Xiuyuan, being a man, couldn't offer much help, but he noticed a white Mercedes E300 parked not far away.

The streetlights were dim, and he could only see wisps of smoke curling from the driver's side window, the surrounding air was desolate.

Without paying much attention, Meng Xiuyuan watched the two young girls enter the alley and left in the Didi car.

As the car moved, it just happened to drive past the white Mercedes E300.

From the passenger seat, Meng Xiuyuan turned his head.