Leh Ying, ordering me to serve you?

The air conditioning in the room was set to the lowest temperature, emitting a bone-chilling cold.

How much money Huang Zhengwei had to watch go down the drain to Xu Jingxi was insignificant.

Although he loved money, he loved power even more.

Huang Zhengwei buried himself in work, pondering with his assistants where to start with the acquiring and acquired parties, working out how to dismiss the related workers and manufacturers in order to minimize losses.

After a while, Xu Jingxi shifted his body, adopting a new position to continue resting with his eyes closed, "The loss is not worth mentioning."

Huang Zhengwei froze, then suddenly stood up, "What do you mean?"

Xu Jingxi simply said, "Take a look at the announcement that was released."

Huang Zhengwei waved his hand to signal his secretary to open up a laptop to check the information.

The document came out, and Song Zhengqing took the secretary's position, just beating Liu Huaifeng by one vote.