You hung up, what should I do?

At 11 Wall Street in Lower Manhattan, the building behind the security metal barriers was the Wall Street New York Stock Exchange.

Security personnel paced near the red carpet until they saw a few luxury black and understated executive Audi vehicles stop inside the barricade.

When the car door opened, a perfectly contoured black leather shoe hit the red carpet with precision as a man stepped out.

Security personnel handed over identification with a respectful gesture, speaking in a foreign language.

"Please go ahead."

Xu Jingxi took it, carelessly clipping the credentials onto the right pocket of his suit, expressionlessly swept past the security staff, hand in pocket, descended the steps, and entered.

Following him were personnel from the Securities Regulatory Commission.

'Ding, Ding'

It was precisely 9:30 AM when the NYSE bell rang on time to open the market.