Let me see what you have drawn.

10 a.m.

The pure white Iceland Goose Feather quilt was comfortably soft, and Leh Ying struggled in this comfort for a long time before she was willing to wake up, reaching out only to find the pillow beside her empty.

On the spring bench at the end of the bed lay a few bags of clothes, without logo, looking expensive and of no particular style, but they were the kind she usually liked to wear.

Denim trousers, loose white shirt.

Leh Ying scooped up her pajamas, went into the bathroom for a morning shower, and came out, still not seeing a trace of Xu Jingxi.

There was breakfast on the bar counter, and a new phone.

She flipped it open, and inside was only Xu Jingxi's number.

She downloaded various apps haphazardly, changing clothes while looking for someone, Li Ting's number was off, probably boarding her flight back home.

Leh Ying took a sip of milk, and when the doorbell rang, she thought Xu Jingxi had come back and hurried over clattering, opening the door.