Is it still called Forty-Nine City without Xu Jingxi?

It wasn't half an hour before the car came to a steady stop.

The mountaintop was deserted.

Leh Ying suddenly forgot about the steepness of the mountain road, and, as if she had seen gold, she unlatched her seatbelt, immediately opened the car door, and jumped out.

The air at the top of the mountain did indeed feel fresher; she stood with her hands behind her back, looking up at the snowy mountain opposite.

As long as it was a sunny day, Schreyer said there would definitely be a view by six in the evening.

"The sun is about to set; it should be very soon," she said.

Xu Jingxi didn't respond, sitting in the car, turning his head to light a cigarette and smoke, unable to appreciate the young girl's taste, silent, not wanting to say the mountains were ugly and ruin her mood.

Although they really were quite ugly, there were many more beautiful snowy mountains back home, in years past Liang Wenye went skiing, and which snowy mountain in their homeland couldn't be called a marvel.