You are the one who doesn't know how to appreciate.

But now, Xu Jingxi was in a good mood.

This type of person, Brother Biao, has no parents at his back, and if death lurks on either side,

there's not much to care about, or so the old saying goes.

As long as he keeps the secret for one more day, he will let Brother Biao live one more day.

He really is a tough nut.

Letting someone enjoy a bit of sunshine is quite amusing, especially since it's been two hours already.

There's no rush.

He figures that the guy doesn't mind sunbathing.

There's no mouth that can't be pried open; he's pried open too many and this one is easy.

In autumn, when the tide rises, the lake level goes up 60 centimetres, and this area is the deepest part of Lake Michigan.

There's no fish for him to catch here.

"Mr. Zhao."

Xu Jingxi took a draw of nicotine, exhaled a misty cloud, turned his head to the left, and approached a figure.

The comer was a white dignitary, an old friend, Governor Noi.

Also one old scoundrel.