Chapter 5 Biluochun

Talking about this, Jiang Ning not only wasn't scared but instead rolled up her sleeves, her fair and beautiful face showing a hint of eagerness, and provocatively waved at Huo Kaiping and Huo Kaian, "Come on, let's not do this one at a time, why don't both of you come at me together."

This afternoon, with these two slippery fish not around, she hadn't managed to neatly kick them into the pool altogether, and now that they were practically offering themselves up for a beating, it would be foolish not to take the opportunity.

If she didn't vent the frustration in her heart in time, it might very well aggravate her terminal illness!

Normally, Huo Song would have stopped them, what kind of image would a family quarrel portray!

But thinking about this afternoon's humiliating incident of being kicked into the pool by Jiang Ning, Huo Song sat on the sofa with a stern face, not saying a word.

Instead, it was Huo Miao who always rubbed her head with her hand, who stood out, blocking in front of the two brothers Huo Kaiping and Huo Kaian. She bit her lip, looking at Jiang Ning with a pitiable expression on her pale and tender face, "Sister Jiang Ning, don't be mad, it was my fault about this afternoon's gathering."

"Actually, everyone has been very worried about you since you were hospitalized. But the show 'Fu Hua Palace' became a hit, and my parents and brothers were happy for me, so they threw a celebration... It wasn't deliberate that we didn't go to the hospital."

She shouldn't have mentioned this afternoon's gathering, once she did, everyone's expressions changed.

Besides the twins, the other three members of the Huo Family thought of the embarrassing moment when they were kicked into the pool in front of so many people this afternoon, their faces dark as the bottom of a pot, and the suppressed anger in their hearts started seeping out uncontrollably.

And Jiang Ning even let out a derisive laugh, the look in her eyes filled with scorn as she looked at Huo Miao.

Huo Miao, repeatedly asking her to calm down, not only purposely stirred up the anger of the Huo family but also emphasized the fact that while she awoke alone in the hospital, the Huo family was busy throwing a party to celebrate for her.

Not to mention, Huo Miao wasn't the original choice for 'Fu Hua Palace'; it was Jiang Ning who caught the director's eye first.

But Jiang Ning had no interest in entering the entertainment industry, while Huo Miao somehow found out about it and cried in front of the Huo family, claiming she really liked the show. She even went on a diet to fit the image of the female lead better, eventually fainting and ending up in the hospital!

When in fact, it was Jiang Ning whom the director had originally considered, Huo Miao was not related to the role at all. Yet, Huo Miao kept treating that role as if it was hers by default, and after she was hospitalized, the Huo family, united in their indignation, directed all their animosity towards Jiang Ning, believing that Jiang Ning had stolen the role from Huo Miao.

Later on, the Huo family invested thirty million to secure the role for Huo Miao by bringing funds into the production.

Under the glow of hard cash, the director never contacted Jiang Ning again.

Now, when Jiang Ning thought about these things, she practically wanted to slap herself and shake all the naivety from her brain!

The Huo family never truly considered her one of their own; in their hearts and eyes, there was only Huo Miao.

And yet, the former Jiang Ning couldn't see through this and wholeheartedly treated the Huo family well, hoping to truly become part of this big family one day.

But in reality, when you're not on the same path, no shortcut will help.

She doesn't need to stumble in the same pit twice.

Now, by deliberately mentioning the success of 'Fu Hua Palace,' Huo Miao ostensibly apologized to Jiang Ning, asking her not to be angry while actually, she was dredging up the past, deliberately twisting the knife in Jiang Ning's heart, baiting her to get angry.

As for Huo Miao's tea-fragrant words, Jiang Ning might have endured them in the past, but now she couldn't stand even a bit of it.

Jiang Ning glanced at her, "The Huo family doesn't live by Dongting Lake, but how did they manage to raise someone like you, a Biluochun tea."

Huo Miao was startled and after realizing what Jiang Ning meant, she bit her lip with an embarrassed expression, "Sister, why do you want to scold me?"

The twin brothers, who had been protected behind her, were also visibly angry, ready to stand up for Huo Miao at any moment.

"Why would you think I'm cursing at you if the cap doesn't fit? Word by word, you tell me not to be angry, yet sentence by sentence, you purposely provoke me. Don't tell me you don't know the director of 'Fu Hua Palace' initially contacted me? I hadn't even replied when you hurriedly pretended to faint and rushed to the hospital."

"I didn't!" Huo Miao's heart panicked, not knowing how Jiang Ning had found out about her feigned fainting. She immediately retorted, her voice so shrill it nearly cracked.

She swayed weakly, appearing as if she was about to faint at any moment.

The twin siblings standing behind Huo Miao instantly supported her, their faces full of concern, "Sister Miaomiao, are you alright?"

Huo Miao bit her lip, her eyes flickering as she feigned composure, "I, I'm alright... But Sister, how can you speak to me like this... I really went to the hospital because I fainted."

"Enough!" Huo Kaian suddenly shouted fiercely. He looked up, his eyes sharp and full of disgust as they fell on Jiang Ning, angrily saying, "What the hell do you want! What does it matter to you what we just said!"

"Look at you, every time you show up, you make the whole family unhappy!"

"During the month you were hospitalized, without your annoying appearances, do you have any idea how happy we were? Every day was filled with laughter and joy. As soon as you show up, everyone gets in a bad mood! You have always lived outside before, why can't you just continue doing that and let us live our own lives!"

"You tell me! How much money do you want to leave this family!"

After all, Huo Kaian was young and couldn't keep his cool, directly spilling everything they had just been discussing.

Of course, this also showed that he truly detested Jiang Ning and really wanted her to leave the family.

The Huo family members showed various expressions, none trying to stop his outburst.

Protected by the others, Huo Miao couldn't help a flash of triumph in her eyes upon hearing Huo Kaian's words.

However, she was bowing her head, so nobody saw it.

Jiang Ning clenched the mineral water bottle in her hand and slowly repeated Huo Kaian's recent words, "Give me money? Leave this family?"

Huo Kaian rolled his eyes, "Or what? What else do you want?"

Jiang Ning looked up at him with a smile, then suddenly grasped the water bottle in her hand and smashed it towards him.

Unlike when she had just come back, where she hit a few people with the mineral water bottle and then stopped.

This time, Jiang Ning was clearly angry and serious about assaulting someone!

She raised her hand to grab Huo Kaian's collar and yanked him down forcefully, using the mineral water bottle in her hand as a weapon, pummeling him furiously.

"Since you don't accept me, why didn't you say it earlier!"

"Had you shown this attitude before taking me back, I would never have followed you home in the first place!"

"You think you're so precious? Nothing but a bunch of rotten fish and shrimp, acting as if anyone is dying for your company!"

"And giving me money?"

"Could you even come up with a trillion if I asked for it? Spouting nonsense without a penny to your name! Are you asking to be hit by speaking like that?!"

The more Jiang Ning talked, the angrier she got, giving Huo Kaian a thorough pummeling.