Chapter 27 Other Abducted Girls

The old van, clearly used for many years, emitted an unpleasant odor, compounded by the owner's disregard for cleanliness.

Kuang Tun sat in the driver's seat, driving, while Liu Guobin sat in the passenger seat, both clutching lit cigarettes in their mouths.

Kuang Tun seemed quite excited, chatting with Liu Guobin all the way, "Boss, after we deliver the goods tonight, I will go home and rest for a bit."

Liu Guobin, "Rest for what?"

Kuang Tun chuckled, "My mom called this afternoon, told me to come back for a blind date, and the girl is a teacher!"

"Oh?" Liu Guobin scoffed, "A teacher willing to consider you?"

Kuang Tun looked smug, "Doesn't matter if she looks down on me or not, after we get married, I have ways to deal with her!"

Liu Guobin grew even more skeptical, "You haven't even met her, but you're already thinking about marriage."