Chapter 41 The Title of Righteous and Courageous Behavior

After Jiang Ning said that, Qi Xingzhou really did let go of his hand.

Seeing him so obedient, Jiang Ning couldn't help but feel more fond of him.

During their brief interactions, Qi Xingzhou, apart from being reticent, seemed no different from any other person to Jiang Ning.

He was simple, kind, and obedient, certainly many times better than some people mixing in society outside. Take the Huo family Members, for example; compared to the good-hearted Qi Xingzhou, they seemed like the ones who were actually sick.

With her wrist freed, Jiang Ning waved to Qi Xingzhou before leaving.

Qi Xingzhou stood in front of the villa's gate, subconsciously wanting to follow, but remembering what Jiang Ning had just said, he obediently stayed put, watching as Jiang Ning drove her car out of the garage and quickly disappeared from his sight.