Chapter 60: Ask Chu Yiyi to Send


This time the trending search lasted especially long, hanging on the list for several days, which showed how much attention netizens had on this case.

Besides despising the human traffickers and praising the police, what they were most curious about was the identity of Juejue.

Netizens exclaimed, "With such a serious case of human trafficking this time, Juejue will definitely show up, right?"

Because of this case of human traffickers, the police, after investigating and interrogating the criminals, found many children and young girls who had been abducted and trafficked before, and also brought some family seekers who were not usually noticed by the netizens gradually into everyone's sight.

At the official family reunification event, many parents, reunited with their lost children, cried in front of the cameras, expressing their excited emotions, and their gratitude towards the police and Jiang Ning.