4- Rental girlfriend

— Rental girlfriend? - I repeated incredulously.

— Yes! I need a girlfriend to spite Lola, and new events have come up, so I'll have to extend my stay in the city.

— This is getting more and more insane. I'm not liking it. It smells like trouble.

— As I told you before, there's no turning back now.

— So, you want to make a contract regarding our agreement? - I said sarcastically, getting out of the car. Dante rolled down the car window and said:

— I don't think it's necessary to make a contract. But I'll come here tomorrow to iron out the details. - With that, Dante winked at me, started the car, and drove away.

How audacious! Now I'll be forced to welcome him into my house, even against my will. - I thought.

I climbed the stairs to the fifth floor, took the key out of my purse, inserted it into the lock, everything on autopilot. I turned the doorknob and entered my apartment. I stood there for a while, looking at the peeling paint on the wall in the hallway, wondering, "How did I let the situation get out of control?" I've never had anyone in my apartment, and when I say "anyone," I mean even my friends don't know where I live, and now I have to receive Dante. Well, he cornered me and I fell for it. No one has ever been as persistent as him. I was so lost in thought that I didn't even hear my phone ringing. It was only when it almost fell off my notebooks that I realized I was receiving a call.

— Hello? - I answered, knowing it was Lucy.

— Kyra, why didn't you tell me you were dating the hunk Dante? - Lucy was ecstatic.

— Hi, Lucy, how are you? Oh, I'm fine, thank you for asking. - I said sarcastically.

— Oh, come on, I saw you this morning. I want to know everything. Did he ask you out after I was dragged away by Professor Louis?

— Something like that. - I said dejectedly.

— And are you going out again? You know you're going to be famous, right? He's one of the most coveted guys these days.

— I know. - I want to hide in my apartment and never come out. Luckily, Lucy didn't notice the lack of enthusiasm in my voice. Her excitement is so overwhelming that she barely noticed my feelings.

— We could meet up to gossip, right? You never agree to anything.

— Let's talk about it tomorrow, okay?

— Sure, deal.

— Perfect, I'll message you to coordinate. I'm going to take a shower, I just got home. Bye, Lucy.

Already? Okay, okay... See you tomorrow.

I thanked God when she hung up the call; I wasn't very excited to talk about the fake relationship I had. Actually, I believed in love, but I didn't know if I would ever find it. For now, all I knew was that fate was playing so many tricks on me that each day I lost hope more and more. Now, with this phony relationship, it was another slap in the face (if you know what I mean) because I was at risk of falling in love with a guy who didn't see me the same way. I knew this wouldn't end well, but for some reason, I didn't want to undo this knot.

— Okay, Kyra, let's handle this like "grown-ups." Most people have failed relationships, later discovering that the other person wasn't their soulmate, that they're being cheated on, that the other person lied about having feelings, and so on... It's not so different from mine; I'm at risk of getting hurt in the same way. The problem is: How do I not emotionally involve myself in this? - I said to myself.

— Enough, Kyra, let's go take a shower!

I left the entrance hall, passed through the small TV room where there was a cozy gray sofa and a 40-inch TV, and went to the connected kitchen to get a glass of water. I didn't have much furniture; the kitchen had a black stove, a gray refrigerator, a sink, and a dark brown counter with a white microwave. I'm simple; I don't have much money or interest in expensive furniture, but somehow, my apartment was cozy, and I felt at home. I drank my water, headed towards my bedroom, which had a queen-sized box bed, a bedside table with a lamp and a socket to charge my phone and notebook. I grabbed my pajamas and went to the bathroom, took a shower, and went to sleep because it had been a very intense day.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groped the bed, half asleep, and ended up finding it under my pillow. Who in their right mind would call me at 7 am on a Saturday morning? One thing I didn't mention, I hate when my sleep is interrupted on days when I can sleep in. Conclusion: I was in a terrible mood.

— Hello? - I said curtly.

— Good morning to you too, Kyra! - said an unrecognizable voice (Dante) on the other end of the line.

— Are you kidding me? - I said irritably.

— Were you still sleeping? - he said, sounding surprised.

— Noooo, it's your imagination! - I said sarcastically.

— Since you're awake, can you open the door for me?

— What? Ahhh, but I'm not going to open it!

— Let's have breakfast together. I traveled here because I want to discuss our agreement with you, and this was the only time I could do it.

— What do you mean? If your explanation is convincing, I can make an exception.

— I'm traveling for business, and I need to negotiate everything beforehand because as of yesterday, you're my girlfriend.

— Damn it! Ugh, I'll open the door, but you should know, I was sleeping, and you'll have to wait until I get ready.

— No problem, you have 20 minutes.

— Oh, come on, are you going to wait until I wake up or are we going to discuss this right here?

— Fine, you win! I give up... Just open already, please.

— Okay. - I hung up the phone, still annoyed and needing to sort out my thoughts. It doesn't matter if he waits for about 5 minutes until I go to open the door. I stretched, got up, searched for my slipper (which was under the bed), seriously, I don't know when I kicked it there, and went to open the door without realizing I was in my pajamas.

— Cute pajamas you got there. - He said laughing.

— Do you want to stay standing in the hallway? - I threatened him with a smile on the corner of my lips and a creepy look in my eyes.

— Wow! You look like a psychopath.

— Good that you noticed!

— Okay, I promise not to tease, but I'm just not used to seeing pajamas like that.

— Oh, sure! You're used to pajamas, sexy nightgowns, I presume. Makes sense with Lola.

— Okay, you don't have to offend me. Yes, I'm used to seeing a woman's body shapes, but yours is quite challenging!

— You don't need to see anything... Because, after all, we're not in a real relationship.

— You're such a buzzkill.

— Oh, come on, my pajamas are short, loose, gray, and with a puppy print... What else would I want?

— A boyfriend? Now I understand.

— I don't have a boyfriend because I don't want one! Having someone just to claim that you're not alone isn't a relationship.

— Your opinion is quite strong for a 22-year-old.

— How do you know my age? - I said surprised.

— I did some research about you; I didn't want to get involved with someone who wasn't sincere.

Okay, I don't care... I have nothing to hide. Excuse me, I'm going to change clothes, make yourself at home.

I didn't wait for a response; I left the entrance hall and went to the bedroom, closing the door. Since the day was cool, I decided to wear a loose gray t-shirt and light blue ripped jeans. I looked at myself in the mirror and approved of the look. I didn't brush my teeth because I hadn't had breakfast yet (I was going to make coffee before thinking about anything else), but I brushed my hair. Ready! Now I want coffee hehe. I opened the bedroom door and there were a pair of brown eyes looking at me up and down, which gave me chills because it felt like he was inspecting me.

— Are you inspecting me? - I said sarcastically.

— Can't I?

— No!

— I like your look, even though it's simple, it shows how cute you are and how you have your own style.

— Thank you, I've always been proud of that! Loose clothes paired with high-waisted pants work wonders. - I said laughing.

— I'm not used to this type of woman, in your case, your type. Are you sure that's all I'm seeing?

— Yes, but why the surprise? I feel like an alien now.

— No, no, that's good, not feeling like an alien, but you being like this. I just wonder: how come you don't have a boyfriend yet?

— You're acting weird. Please go back to being proud and annoying.

— Okay, shall we go?

— Let me make my coffee first, okay? Then we can go to the place where you want to have coffee.

— Don't you drink coffee other than your own? - He looked at me astonished.

— It's not that, but I love my coffee... So I'll have it here, brush my teeth, and then we can go.

— Now I'm going to want your coffee too, so make two cups, please.

— I was already preparing the thermos anyway.

— I see... - He said smiling. - You just won't admit that you thought of me, huh?

— If you weren't older, with all that experience and running away from women, I would actually think you were hitting on me. This feels like flirting.

— What if I am? - He said curious.

— I'd hit you. - I said with a psychopathic look.

— Ooh, such a tough woman. - He said laughing.

— I deserve it! Sometimes I feel like I'm paying for all my sins, just look at what I have to put up with.

— It doesn't seem like you're enjoying it, huh?

— And why would I? - I said astonished.

— Because I'm good company.

— A very dangerous company for women, that's for sure.

— No one has ever told me that, but I'll accept your compliment.

— That wasn't a compliment. It was like saying you're a heartbreaker.

— Do you think you're in danger with me?

— Who isn't? Don't you think you're in danger?

— Aha! You transferred the question to me, but I'll answer it the same way: Who isn't?

— I see, your heart in danger because of me? Don't make me laugh.

I finished making the coffee, took two large cups, and placed them on the table along with sugar and milk.

— I don't know how you take your coffee, but I like mine with sugar and milk. - I said. - Feel free to serve yourself.

— Okay, I'll try the coffee your way, but I'll warn you, I like coffee with milk but without sugar.

— I figured. Do you usually use sweetener or just don't put sugar?

— I just don't put sugar, sweetener alters the taste of the coffee, it's worse than sugar.

— I agree, even though sugar also takes away some of the coffee's flavor, I like the combination of all three (milk, coffee, and sugar).

I filled my cup with 70% milk and 30% coffee, don't ask me why, but I've been like this since I was little. I don't like things I drink to be too hot because I burn my mouth easily.

— There's a lot of coffee in your milk. - He said smiling.

— That's how I like it, more on the milky side.

— So it doesn't burn your mouth, right?

— Yes, exactly.

I watched him make his own coffee and was surprised because he made it exactly like mine, even adding a teaspoon of sugar. I took a sip of my coffee and realized I had forgotten to add sugar, and I made a face.

— Did you forget the sugar?

— Yes. - I said grabbing the sugar and sweetening my coffee.

— You're very expressive, I can read what you're thinking just by your facial expressions.

— Yes, I know... What can I do? I like being like this, I can't fake it well.

— That's not always well-received by society, but yes, by me it is. You're a source of learning for me.

— Okay, okay... Let's go have coffee already, I'm going to brush my teeth.

— Perfect!

What's happening to him? If he keeps up this attitude, I'll definitely get hurt. No one has ever been as nice to me as he's being, except Lucy and my family. I preferred it when he was more cold or didn't analyze me like the guys at college, where I was completely ignored. The guys, in general, would say that I had a very strong personality and that I should dress like Lucy, claiming that I wasn't as pretty or attractive. That never bothered me because I'm not looking for a boyfriend at the moment. My priorities were: graduating, having a good academic record to get a good job, and acquiring the apartment I'm living in (it's up for sale). I finished my daydreams (I mean, brushing my teeth) and went to the kitchen to get my wallet. I found Dante looking at the small balcony in the living room, lost in thought, and I definitely wanted to bring him back to reality.

— What are you thinking about? - I said by his shoulder.

— Geez, scared me! - He said jumping.

I really couldn't hold back my laughter, I swear I tried, but the way he got startled was too much for me.

— Go ahead, laugh, it was actually funny. - He said pretending to be mad.

— Oh, did it make you upset? Forget about it and let's go already, I have a seminar to finish.

— Okay, let's go.