10- Party at the Rector's House - Part I

We entered the elevator without saying a single word. The atmosphere was heavy; it felt like we were two strangers. The tension was mutual, and he had chosen to completely ignore me, engrossed in his phone. "This is a good sign, Kyra. It means you won't get attached to him. It would be terrible if you fell in love," My conscience weighed in heavily, and I couldn't disagree. The elevator stopped in the garage, and we headed towards the car (with me following Dante because I didn't remember which parking spot his car was in). We got in and started driving towards the Dean's house.

The journey took 40 minutes. He only answered calls using the steering wheel controls, as he had put on wireless earphones for more privacy. Well, I didn't want to listen to his conversations or know who he was involved with. I decided to check my phone and saw that I had received a message. It was from Lucy, complaining that I hadn't given her enough attention, that she missed me, and that she wanted to study together for the upcoming test on Tuesday. I was so happy to receive her message, to know that I wouldn't be alone at home over the weekend, that I smiled as I started to reply, agreeing with her and saying I would be free. Before I even finished my response, she replied with several happy emojis, saying she would buy powdered milk cake, chocolate, and popcorn.

— Lucy, are you sure we're going to study? I replied with a laughing emoji.

— We'll study, but afterward, it's girls' night! So make sure you come on Friday because I want to spend the entire weekend with you, and I won't give you back until Sunday.

— That sounds great, it the best weekend in a long time hehe. I said.

— Absolutely, I'm already looking forward to it.

— Oh, but no horror movies... I don't do well with them.

— Ahhh, come on, just one...

— I won't be able to sleep afterward, and you'll have to stay up all night keeping me company. I said with a contented expression.

— Well... I'd rather stay relaxed, how about romantic comedies?

I totally agree.

— Goodnight, my friend. Have fun out there! Oh, and later I want to know all the details about your relationship hehe.

— Goodnight, nosy one. Thanks, kisses.

When I looked in Dante's direction, he was evaluating me with a disapproving expression, as if he suspected something.

— Who were you talking to? he asked curiously.

— Someone important, I vaguely replied.

— Aren't you going to tell me?

— Should I?

— Yes, I need to know who made you smile.

— You don't have the right to demand that, you know it well. Until now, I respected your space; respect mine too.

— What do you mean? Dante asked, confused.

— You answered calls almost the entire journey, and I didn't ask or question who you were talking to.

— But those calls were work-related, not related to other women.

— What? Are you not talking to any other girls? I said incredulously.

— Should I be? he asked, sounding a bit irritated.

— I can't say. But I found your irritation strange. Why did you get annoyed?

— If we're pretending to be in a relationship, we can't take chances and get involved with other people. Even if our relationship is fake, I have my reputation to maintain.

— Ah, and at this very moment, you're only concerned about your "reputation"?

— What else should I be concerned about? he said, with a furrowed brow.

— Maybe, just maybe, about being a better companion? I said without looking at him.

Dante remained silent for a long moment, as if he was contemplating what he should do or say. He ran his hands through his hair and broke the ice.

— Even if you don't like me, try to appear happier while being with me tonight at the party.

— Don't worry, I'll fulfill my role as a happy girlfriend.

— And I also hope you avoid unwanted suitors during our "agreement." Seriously, he emphasized the word AGREEMENT.

I felt a shiver down my spine; it sounded somewhat threatening. I tried to compose myself and spoke up.

— What would change if I don't agree?

— Don't play with me, Keyra, you're going to lose.

— Your mood swings are admirable. Are you bipolar? I said sarcastically.

— You're being carried away, and you know it. You're going to end up getting burned and won't be able to complain afterwards.

— Of course, I will! I'm a woman, I can complain whenever I want. I said, smiling.

— You're mocking me, how audacious! Pay to see.

— Is it a challenge? I love challenges.

Dante smiled triumphantly, as if he had won a race, and the prize seemed to be me, Kyra. "The fact that he didn't consider is that I'm a worthy opponent. I know how to play, and I'm sure I'll play. It won't be me who loses." I thought.

We arrived at Dean Alexander's mansion. The property was immense, a farm spanning over 10 hectares. It must be beautiful during the day with the sun shining. There were spotlights with white lights indicating the entrance to the property and the path that guests should follow on the dirt road. It wasn't just any road; it was leveled, without potholes or rocks. It was so smooth that you couldn't even feel the car driving on it. We reached the party hall, where a young man in a uniform (completely black with a red bow tie, consisting of dress pants, a black shirt, and black shoes) was parking cars. We got out of the car, and Dante placed his hand on my waist, whispering in my ear:

— Are you ready?

— Ye..Yes. I responded, feeling his warm breath in my ear and shivers running through my body.

— Did you stutter? He smirked sarcastically. — What if I do this? He removed his hand from my waist, moved it up my back where my dress exposed my skin, and caressed it.

— Are you going crazy? I said softly, removing his hand from my back. — Stop playing with me.

— I'll only stop when you tell me who you were talking to.

— I don't owe you any explanation about my life.

— Then endure me all night, the party has just begun.

I ignored his comment, and we continued walking towards the entrance of the hall. Let me tell you, dear reader, I have never seen anything so beautiful. The entrance was decorated with purple and white orchids. The floor was light gray porcelain, and the door where the receptionist stood was enormous and made of oak. The receptionist recognized Dante and waved from afar, coming towards us, throwing herself into his arms and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so jealous," I thought, even though I didn't stand a chance with him (at this point, I didn't even want to).

— Hello, Dante! Long time no see. Have you gotten rid of that pest, I mean Lola? she said.

I started laughing; even though I didn't have the slightest chance with him (at this point, I didn't even want to), it wasn't just me who didn't like Lola. More people thought like me.

— I see that you're improving your taste in women. she said, looking at me while I was still laughing.

— Thank you, I said, smiling at her.

— Dear, my name is Diana. I'm this stubborn guy's childhood friend.

— Nice to meet you, Diana. I'm Kyra.

— What are you to him? Diana asked.

— I am... I took a few seconds to answer.

— She's my girlfriend, Di, Dante interrupted me.

— Finally! I already like her, even without talking much.

— That's good, Di. Now you won't bother me for not thinking about my future.

— What do you mean? I said, looking at Diana.

— He only knows how to date gold diggers, she said, winking and smiling at me.

— Looks like you two will get along. Dante ran his hands through his hair.

— Yes, relieving here, Kyra. I'll meet you in the hall for a chat.

— I'll wait for you, I said, smiling.

— I want to tell you some dirt on Dante.

— Oh, come on, Di, that's a low blow. You'll ruin my image.

— It will be a pleasure! Now go in, your table is number 12. Enjoy yourselves.

We entered the hall, and I was speechless. It was immense, with a capacity for 1,200 people, but today there would only be 400 guests (from what I heard, Alexander only invited his closest friends). There were 50 tables, each reserved for 8 people. The entire decoration was done in white with gold accents, from the walls to the chairs, tables, and tablecloths. There was a huge chandelier adorned with golden rose stems, and the petals were diamond-like crystals. We reached table 12, which was fully decorated and set for 8 people. Each place had a name card, and decorated plates, silverware, and glasses according to etiquette. We sat in our respective seats, and my name card read "Dante's guest." "Apparently, they didn't know I would be coming," I thought.

— Yes, they didn't know you would be here because no one here knows that I'm dating. They've only heard about my breakup with Lola. Dante said, realizing that I was reading the name card.

— That's alright. I said.

The event's introduction began, and all the guests stood up to listen to the speaker talk about the birthday boy. They made a presentation with a video about Alexander's life, from his birth until today. Everyone applauded the speaker after the video ended, and Alexander took the microphone. I was surprised by how elegant he looked, wearing an all-black suit (including the shirt) with a black tie featuring white stripes. He didn't seem so old, which was a surprise because in the college documents, he appeared older. Dante noticed my confusion and explained what actually happened.

— Kyra, he is the son of the former dean mentioned in the college contract documents when he enrolled. He assumed the position a week ago.

— Ahhh, now it all makes sense. He looks like the former dean but seems much younger.

— Yes, he's 35 years old, and we were friends in college.

— I see.

Alexander wasn't unattractive; he had black hair styled to the right side, bright blue eyes, distinct facial features, a nice smile, and was 6 feet tall. "Okay, fate is trolling me again, such a place for handsome men," I thought. Alexander finished his speech, and everyone applauded. He then went to greet the guests table by table until he reached ours.

— Ahhh, you came! You finally didn't miss my birthday. Alexander said, embracing Dante.

— I couldn't miss it, right? I'm at your service until you get tired of me. Dante said. — I'm honored by your invitation, thank you, my friend.

— You're welcome. I see you brought an elegant lady. Alexander said, taking my hand and kissing it.

— Yes, and she's taken! Don't get too excited. Dante said.

— Oh, I see you've made a commitment then. Smart move, you did it quickly so as not to lose her. I'm proud of you, my friend. Alexander said with gleaming eyes of joy.

I felt quite embarrassed by the compliment, but I quickly composed myself. "Wake up, Kyra, he's just being polite and courteous. It's all just manners and good manners." Yes, I sabotaged myself, and it wasn't cool.

— My name is Alexander, pleased to meet you. He introduced himself.

— I'm Kyra, the pleasure is mine. I said politely.

— Ale, don't you have other guests to greet? Dante said, somewhat irritated.

— Relax, my friend. Since she's with you, I won't steal her. Although, Kyra, you look irresistible in that black dress. So, Dante, don't let her go because if I find out, I'll make a move without thinking twice. He said, smiling and heading towards the other tables.

— What an audacious guy. Dante said, with his elbow resting on the table and his hand on his forehead.

— Why does that bother you? He was just being polite to me.

— Kyra, don't you realize that he found you incredible and that you look stunning tonight?

"Did he really say that? Did I hear correctly? What's happening?" I thought.