14- Just a dream?

The man standing in front of me was an unattainable dream. No one else had caused such reactions and feelings in me. Looking at the guys in college, I had no interest. I was living so well on my own that I believed entering a relationship would disrupt my routine. Then Dante came along and turned my world upside down. But at the same time, he helped me with the subjects at college that I struggled with.

Now I'm standing, leaning against the door, in his apartment, looking at him and almost drooling.

"For God's sake, Kyra, compose yourself!" my brain screamed.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and collected my thoughts. I have to answer Dante's question.

— Yes, I'm fine... It's just been a lot to digest. I said, placing my hand on my forehead.

Dante approached and touched my forehead.

— Well, you're not running a fever. That's a relief.

Suddenly, my stomach growled loudly, and I blushed.

— Oh, that explains it! I'll make something for you to eat. He said, heading towards the kitchen.

— Wait! Aren't you going to change your shirt? I asked, embarrassed.

Dante stopped midway between the couch and the kitchen, looked at his shirt, looked at me, and smiled slightly.

— Does the fact that my shirt is unbuttoned bother you? He asked, raising an eyebrow.

— Of course it does, I feel embarrassed. I said, feeling my cheeks burn.

— Is that really the reason? He said, putting his hand on his chin, thoughtful, looking into my eyes.

— Of course it is, what other reason could it be? I feigned ignorance.

I don't know how it happened, but before I knew it, he was very close to me, studying me. I took several steps back until I felt the cold wall of the living room against my back. Dante placed both hands on the wall, preventing any possible escape. My heart was racing, and suddenly I felt warm, trying to quickly come up with a plan to get away from him.

— Dante, stop playing with me. There's no one here for you to pretend to be in a relationship with.

— Why stop? I'm enjoying seeing how red you get because of my actions.

— Stop boasting, I get embarrassed like this with any guy who acts like you.

— I doubt it. You're attracted to me and pretend you're not.

— How do you know I feel that way? I could simply be a good actress. I said, proudly smiling at my response.

— I doubt it. I have more experience than you, and I can tell when a woman is attracted, sweetie. Do you want me to prove it? He said sarcastically.

— It depends, what do you want to gain from it? I challenged him.

— Maybe to fulfill the desire I have right now.

— And what would that be?

Dante leaned his lips close to my ear and said huskily:

— To kiss you.

My heart almost jumped out of my chest. I can't lie and say that I don't want to be kissed, that I'm not attracted to him. I would be lying to myself, and that goes against my integrity. The fact that he was close to me, that we had already kissed, and this damn unbuttoned shirt were driving me crazy. I didn't want to give in and let myself be carried away by the situation. I knew I could live in the moment, have fun, but it would enchant me so much, and in the end, everything has an ending.

I tried to push him away, but it was completely in vain. I couldn't move him an inch.

— I'm going to tease you a little bit. He said in my ear.

— You don't need to, you already do that all the time, and it completely irritates me.

Dante didn't say anything, he just smiled and kissed my neck. The first kiss, I felt electricity running through my body, and then he created a trail of kisses. The sensation was so good that I never wanted to leave. He stopped kissing my neck, held my face in his hands, and brushed his lips against mine, teasing me. I tried to regain my composure, but it was difficult to think with all these new sensations I had never felt before.

He observed every reaction from me and kissed me. At first, it was slow, savoring my lips, then he placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer, pressing my body against his. I put my hands on his exposed chest, feeling the warmth of his skin, enjoying the moment, and surrendered to the kiss.

Suddenly, Dante pulled away, took a deep breath, ran his hands through his hair, and headed towards the kitchen.

I was in a state of confusion and rejection until I regained my sanity (if I ever could). I took the opportunity to go to the guest room so he wouldn't see how disappointing his reaction was for me. I took a shower and went to bed.

 I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. If I had a hammer, I would definitely smash it because I was extremely tired. I didn't sleep at all last night, and when I finally fell asleep, the alarm went off.

"Come on, Kyra, let's get up. You have a test today and you can leave early." - My mind tried to motivate me.

Last night, Dante had left a shirt for me to wear to sleep (before the party). After taking a shower, I put it on and went to bed.

I struggled to get out of bed, my throat was dry, and I walked to the kitchen, half awake, half asleep. I don't know how, but I found a glass in the cupboard, took water from the filter on the sink, and drank. It was the best water I had in a long time. Suddenly, I felt arms around my waist, but since I was half asleep, I thought it was just in my head.

— Kyra, you shouldn't walk around like this. You look very sexy. - Dante said in my ear.

— Dante?! - I said in surprise and looked at my clothes. I was only wearing the shirt he had lent me last night.

— You look beautiful in my shirt.

That's when the drowsiness faded, and I tried to push him away.

— Stop playing with me! I need to get ready or I'll be late.

Dante pouted and smiled at me. He turned me around, picked me up, and placed me on the kitchen counter, standing between my legs. He kissed me passionately, his hands roaming my body, driving me crazy, and I felt his hands opening the shirt...

That's when I woke up drenched in sweat, in my bed, alone, and sad to know that it was just a dream.

— Girl, you're lost.